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Monday, November 3, 2008

The Finger

Sorry for the gap, kids, but I had tons to stuff to deal with since Wednesday. For example:

Thurday night was the Grover Kent mini-set. It went well, but I felt like I played for like, three days as opposed to 10 minutes.
They also fixed my heat and I was unable to tun it off until Friday afternoon!
Additionally, my son got a double ear infection! Poor little dude wasn’t even pulling on his ears. We got him some anti-biotics and he’s a lot better today.

I saw a video of our set and man alive, if I ever needed any visual evidence that I am too fat, I got it. I’m going to try and capture a few frames and post it so the world can marvel at what the blazes happened to me. 12 months prior we played a show and I look positively svelte! I’ll post that too.

We bought one of those F’Real milk shakes to try and get Owen to eat something for his antibiotic last night. My wife told me to throw it out after he wouldn’t have any, and I was like “I kind of want this…”

Mind you, they have about 50 grams of fat in them. Yeah, you heard me, fifty grams of fat. Jeez, that’s like eating lard or something, only in Vanilla shake form. How the hell can they sell these things? It makes me so jealous of people with peppy metabolisms. I ended up having two sips and chucking the rest.

My arthritis is driving me around the bend today. I just took some more advil to see if that’ll help but it‘s fricking miserable. I can’t close my right hand into a fist completely as my middle finger is swollen and stiff. Nor can I straighten my F-U finger out completely. It sucks. At least I am not getting it in my fretboard hand, as of yet anyway.
I did have a nice power nap today then I changed the air filter in my car. Pretty good lunch hour

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