Progress! Follow along at home!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week 134- I am a dope

Snowstorm, enormous sinus headache and at noon I realized "Aw shit. I didn't weigh in!"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Week 133- Welcome to a New Year!

A new year brings new resolutions and so off to the gym I go. But first lemme get this out of the way:

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 233.6
Current weight: 243.1
Lost this week: .5

Total lost to date: 21.1

Weight left to lose: 63.1

Sweet Cracker Sandwich, that's pretty sad, after all that. I'm not going to focus on the failures of the past, because they will only get me further behind.

Oh, I am changing the weigh-in day to Wednesday because I am off and some days at 5:15 when I leave the house for work I have not pooped so BANWAP is not possible.

Let's be Done by 41!