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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fun Size (Please note: this post does *not* refer to short girls)

I had a fun size Nestle Crunch bar today because I was craving chocolate and all my other options were either

1) Fricking Ginormous or
2) Not real good candy

There was other candy around, sure. The first phase of Eating Season (Halloween through New Years, with a brief reprise at Easter) may have been defeated, but pockets of resistance remain! The person across from me has these little plastic bottles with powder candy in them. As I am not 11 years old anymore I simply cannot consume that kind of candy without upsetting my delicate constitution. Plus I’d probably get all snoozy like an hour later.

The only thing a Fun Size candy bar does for me is make me want additional Fun Size candy bars. Not so much ½ hour later or so, but right after I was like “Well, that was a nice suggestion of a snack. Where can I get more?” Now I appear to be OK.

That is all!

See you at the ERGS! show on Saturday night, kids! Woo!

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