Progress! Follow along at home!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week 23: 255.0!

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 255.0
Current weight: 255.0
Lost this week: 0!
Total lost to date: 9.2 pounds
Goal for this week: let’s try this again! 1 pound, just to pass the 10 pound mark! Was that clear enough?

Goal Weight: 180

Weight remaining to lose: 75

Another night of tossing and turning, another night of very odd dreams. My neck is killing me today, I’m having a lot of trouble moving my head quickly, and boy howdy, I am in a foul mood.

Ornery like your maiden Aunt’s three hundred year old cat. You know the one, weighs like 12 pounds, deaf as a post and Aunt Gabby is the only one allowed to hold Mr. Rupert T Fufferkins. Ugh. I also dropped my kid’s waffles (buttered AND syrupy of course!) on the floor this morning, and swore like an Italian truck driver.*

I’m OK with today’s number, because I bet it’s lower in real life because I’m also bloated as all get out. The answer is most likely more fiber. That’s the answer to a lot of things.

*What? I’m serious, I said “Ah, fongul!” which simply has to be spelled wrong. What can I say? I swear phonetically. When I drop something and say “shimata!” I am not thinking in bloody kanji!

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