Progress! Follow along at home!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Burfday to me! Plus a new motto!

Well, lookee there! I'm the big Four-Oh! I ought to be svelte and sexy, right?

Well I didn't make it.

No shit, Sherlock. I've been a complete trainwreck fitness wise for going on, oh I dunno, damn near two months now.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have made it to forty. There were times in my life where it was looking a little shaky, let me tell you. So, I guess it's you just have to keep on trucking, right?

So, here's the tally for the I just turned 40 weigh in.

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 231.0
Current weight: 234.0
Lost this week: UP 3

Total lost to date: 31.2

Weight left to lose: 54.0

So there you have it. 54 pounds left to go before I reach my goal.

I'm giving myself a year, thus making my new motto: GETTING IT DONE BY FORTY ONE!

No, I will not be changing the blog title.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 114- Move over fat lady, there's a fat dude warming up...

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 230.8
Current weight: 231.0
Lost this week: UP .2

Total lost to date: 34.2

Weight left to lose: 51.0

no comment because there is none needed. I feel shitty enough without beating myself up in public about it.

Wait a minute, wasn't that the whole point of this thing?!?!?!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 113: Part Deux- more bad neuxs

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 228.2
Current weight: 230.8
Lost this week: UP 2.6

Total lost to date: 34.4

Weight left to lose: 50.8

yeah... totally not making it are we?

Week 113- cr2032, where art thou?

Seriously, how hard is it to find a crummy battery?!?!?!?

Feeling a little thinner, back on the horse big time. I'm gonna weigh in tomorrow, providing I can get a battery.

Needless to say, I will not make my goal, and I'm seriously pissed off about it*.

I mean, I'm pissed in general and at myself specifically. I got lazy, and yeah, I could have gotten up at 5 to go to the gym but didn't because I was "too tired." No shock there, dum-dum, you're tired because your fat ass has been sitting around and getting wider instead of getting up, getting sweaty and thereby gaining the energy you're complaining about not having!

Also I appear to be typing in run on sentences.

* you should see how bad the typos were when I first banged this out, for example. Sheesh.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 112- Weigh in will be delayed...

as the damn scale is not working. I am looking for a new battery :)

My guess is I am up again. I'm just not doing what I need to do.

Knowing I did not make my goal, mainly due to not being committed enough and being lazy and busy with other stuff is really a kick in the ass.

I almost want to shut the blog down and erase the whole thing, but that's no use. What would that serve?

I need it as a reminder of what I can do and did not do. I need it as motivation as I'm not giving up, just in a slump.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why is it...

...when you forget your cell phone at home you may as well be in 1888 because there's no pay phones?

I mean, come on! Surely gas stations should have them.

I hate the cell phone and think it's one of the worst inventions ever, but it's a necessary evil these days, sadly.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week 111- Keep eating bad kids and you too can look like me...

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 226.8
Current weight: 228.2
Lost this week: UP 2.4

Total lost to date: 36.0

Weight left to lose: 48.2

What in the hell am I doing to myself?

Seriously, I know my life has become ridiculously stressful in the last year but this in inexcusable.

Self sabotage, perhaps?
