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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Week 11: 254.1 or: Holding the line; at least it’s not 2 steps back…

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 254.1
Current weight: 254.1
Lost this week: 0 (but on the plus side, no “upsies” either)
Total lost: 10.1 pounds
Goal for this week: 2 pounds (I’m shooting more realistically)

Goal Weight: 180

Weight remaining to lose: 74.1

Yeah, minor delay in the weigh in, as noted yesterday due to me being a dork and forgetting what day of the week it was.


What are you gonna do, though, really?

Like I noted above, at least there’s no upswing in the tubbulence department. There’s a little to be said for holding steady (which I am sometimes thinking is: “Way to stay fat, fatso!”) and I’m planning a not healthy at all dinner tonight, as it is my birthday.


Really, I’m kind of “meh” about my birthday this time out. It does however, signal the true 2 year countdown. As of today I have a mere 730 days to accomplish my goal. Holy crap, that doesn’t seem that long does it? Quite frankly 40 (THE BIG FOUR-OH!) really isn’t that far off. Confidentially, it’s wigging me out, just a little. Thirty didn’t wig me out so much, maybe because I got married a week before I turned 30 and I didn’t have a lot of time to dwell on it. It could be that it legitimately didn’t bother me.

40, on the other hand, is a tougher nut to crack. Or maybe it’s 38 being a tough nut to crack. I’m talking nonsense I think. I think I may buy myself Ultraman The Next on DVD off EBAY today. Ultraman always make you smile!

Hey on the plus side I have already lost over 10% of my goal so that’s awesome.

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