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Thursday, January 1, 2009

You say you want a Res-o-luuuuu-tion!

So, here's my 100th post, and fittingly, it's my new years resolutions:

#1) Get Out of Debt (this will be accomplished via a combo of second job/tightening of spending/and selling excess stuff). I didn't really need the economy to end up in the crapper to realize this is a priority, but it certainly was one. Accomplishing this will make a huge difference in my life.

#2) Make genuine progress losing weight. I’d like to be close to my halfway point by August. Rededicate myself to myself I guess you can say. I need to stop being lazy, and get of my ass and just do it. No more excuses.

#3) Be more positive. Things get to me far too easily, and quite frankly, they shouldn't. It's not teaching my son how to effectively deal with life's little setbacks. Mind you, it was a somewhat trying year, but I need to think positively.

#4) Not be online so much, unless it's for specific purposes of fulfilling #1. I spend too much time just dicking around on the internet for no reason. There's tons of things I could be doing online to improve myself or my situation, but I tend to congregate on message boards and Facebook instead of taking some courses or something.

#5) Finally sell off the remaining inventory/remnants of my toy collection. This will partially declutter the garage, and partially help me accomplish #1 as well. I'm also trying to get off of Ebay with their now criminal level of fees and stupid rules and find a new venue to make some cash at. Any tips?

#6) Write more reviews. I enjoy writing them and hey, a little cash is better than not getting any, right?

#7) Be more sensitve to my Lovely Assitant because, to tell you the truth, I can be a cad.

So there you have it. 2009. Everyday is Judgement Day. Everytime i get up in the morning I have a chance to be better than I was the day before. It's going to be hard, but I am not giving up, because I did that for too goddamn long already.

Let's kick 2009 right in the nuts, shall we?

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