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Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday, Monday! (bah-dah! Bah-dah-dah...) No good to me...

Woof. What a dog of a night. At about 10 PM, the Short Man barfed a spectacular combination of chicken nuggets, juice, bananas and brownies all over the bed and pillows last night. Oh, I should mention his crib had been recalled for safety issues recently, so he threw up all over his new sleepytime H.Q., our bed. Yep. Poor little dude woke up crying so I went into the bedroom to try and comfort him, figuring he’d had a bad dream and then I smelled it. I turned on the light and he was sitting in the middle of the bed just…

It was mayhem, is what it was. Poor little bear was sitting there looking like Tara Reid in Carter’s pajamas surrounded by the most heinous perimeter of vomit. The missus and I threw him in the tub, while I stripped the bed. Luckily he didn’t get any of the blankets. So we lost some good pillows, and one of those foam wedges that was pretty well shot anyhow.

So we set up the air mattress in his room and he insisted we both had to lay with him until he fell asleep. I managed to extract myself slowly from the floor and head to the A&P to get some barf cleaner and baking soda. I pull up to the store and there’s a sign that they now close at 11PM Sunday. BASTARDS!!!!!!!!

I ended up going to the Pathmark and got what I needed. When I came home, the lad had thrown up again, but this time only got the comforters. So I threw one in the wash and one in a bag to be washed (I didn’t have enough quarters!) and because our driers pretty much suck at our apartment complex, it wasn’t done until 3:10AM. In the meantime I cleaned up our mattress, ate some cookies (because, quite frankly I knew the gym was out so really, what the hell did I care at that point?) dozed fitfully on the couch (under my sweatjacket like I was on a park bench) because I kept getting up to check on the wife and kid, or run over to the laundry room all the while half watching and listening to old episodes of Dragnet. I finally passed out for good at about 3:30.

Owen woke up at 6:30 and thankfully I got to go lay on the Aero Bed until 8-ish, but it was a fitful doze as well.

On the way to work today I saw one of those Chinook helicopters flying over the road. It was really, really cool. However, now more than ever, I need to ask: How in the world does that thing actually fly!?!?! Having seen it in action for the first time in real life today it actually looked like it had less business being in the air once it was actually up, than in pictures I have seen of the blasted things on the ground! Don’t get me wrong, I understand, to a point, what makes helicopters fly. But these things look so unwieldy and goofy that I have to wonder how they work.

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