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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Week 32: 255.5!

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 257.0
Current weight: 255.5
Lost this week: 1.5
Total lost to date: 8.7
Goal for this week: 2 pounds

Goal Weight: 180

Weight remaining to lose: 77.9

OK, 1.5 down, but considering the amount of quality time I spent in the, erm, “Library” since Thursday I was actually surprised I hadn’t lost more. My stomach’s been all sorts of out of sorts for about a week now. I haven’t thrown up or anything, and I have certainly been worse off in the “other department” if I may be so delicate. I'm going to name this pound and a half "Duncan" because it seems to yo-yo back and forth on me...

Man, I have pretty disgusted with myself lately. I have regressed into an unmotivated slob again, and it really pisses me off. I don’t have to tell you I didn’t go to the gym like I wanted to last week. Mind you, I was feeling kind of crummy, but I felt pretty good Saturday, and I should have really tried harder.

I told my wife I want to try going to bed a little earlier at night, because, I have been told, “the sleep you get before midnight is the most important.” I have also heard “Never go to bed the same day you are getting up.” These are not 100% true, of course. Basically, it should read “go to bed when you are tired.”

I know that sounds pretty damned obvious, but buy, you’d be surprised. How many times do we push ourselves for no apparent reason? I mean, I frequently have stayed up to the point of being damned near incoherent to finish watching a television show. Now, to add insult to injury this is something I own on DVD a lot of times. It’ll be there tomorrow, go to bed. My wife would frequently fall asleep and sometimes I’d watch something else (sometimes a complete film! Nothing too long, frequently one of the shorter B&W films she’s not so into but, still!) or go online. It’s a dumb habit, to be sure.

Anyway, in other news my mom went to the ER because she’s been having trouble walking for a couple days. My Dad finally convinced her to go to the ER because she’s stubborn. Hell, she’s Irish and has some Polish, you bet she’s a stubborn woman! My Dad is stubborn too. I am stubborn like a Goddamn Anchor of Stubborn* when I want to be! Anyway, they go and lo and behold her hip has a slight fracture!

I kid you not.

So, she had some pins installed (or is having them installed as I write this) and she will probably be home by Thursday. That’s pretty nutty. She said they told her it was a 20 minute procedure. That’s just mindboggling to me. Wow. I guess if you’re gonna put a crack in your hip, Florida’s the place to do it.

It’s a little scary being an adult and watching your parents get old. I mean, my folks are up there. They are not ancient mind you, but they are not spring chickens. It gets me thinking of my own health and mortality and it scares the ever-lovin’ crud out of me.

So, anyway, forgive me if I am rambling, but this has been a hell of a day for me.

See you tomorrow.

* "Goddamn Anchor of Stubborn" is a trademarked name, like "Elvish Cloak of Invisibility" or "Dwarven Hammer of Smacking." Very D&D!

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