Progress! Follow along at home!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Week 5: 259.4

Starting weight: 264.2
Current weight: 259.4
Lost this week: 0 (up .8)
Total lost: 4.8

Goal: 180

OK, I’m up .8 this week. This shouldn’t be as annoying as it’s being at all. Big deal, right? I mean, it could be worse.

For the sake of experimentation, and because I am now becoming slightly obsessed now that I have this damned blog, I have been doing a pre-weigh in Monday night, and a post weigh- in Wednesday morning, trying to figure out if Tuesday is really the right day. I tend to be higher then than either Monday or Wednesday. Yesterday, however, I was shocked to see the number 265.9 which meant like a six pound gain. I tried again and it was like 261. The next try was 252. While that was great, I knew something was afoot. I promptly changed the battery in the scale. This seemed to fix things, aside from being very unforgiving this AM.

No big deal, I suppose.

I tried walking at work last week and promptly flooded the back of the men’s room when I used the shower. It seems the showers were put itn wrong or something according top the woman in Facilities. There’s a boating store nearby and I was gonna look into one of those things they block spills with and see if that’s not too much money. Either that or a squeegee for the floor. What would be great is if I could slap a piece of Plexiglass up at the bottom of the stall and seal it off. I must be pretty serious, I’m thinking of ways to fix the shower at work!

Oh, the tire yesterday had a bad valve. Being I have the warranty on them, it was replaced for free. You gotta love free!

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