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Monday, July 14, 2008

I Hate Mondays...

Sorry to go all “Garfield” on you folks, but today has been a pretty rough trip so far. The Fruit of Our Union (His Lordship, the Mooseman of Aberdeen) finally drifted off to dreamland at 11, and My Lovely Assistant and I finally hit the pillows at about 12:45 ish. Now, The Missus had to work early so the plan was to wake up at 6, make her lunch and get her up. Yes, ladies, I do that. The lunch will frequently even include such amenities as pudding. That’s right, sugar free double chocolate Jell-O, baby! That’s how I do it, awwwwwwww yeah! Sorry gals. I’m taken!

Where was I? Oh yes, in bed. Well, as luck would have it, the Boy woke up from a nightmare and I quickly scoop him up and plop him back in bed with my wife and proceed to the couch. I look at the clock. It’s 4:50. Ten minutes to bloody five in the ay-em! Ugh. I finally drift off at about 5:30. About 10 seconds later, the alarm went off and I stumble towards the bedroom to go wake my wife up. I open the door quietly and, Horror of Horrors, the Boy is awake! The much coveted further hour and 15 minutes of sleep I was to get has vanished like a dream. I take him, change his diaper and we go to watch Blue’s Clues a little bit before breakfast.

I don't even want to relate the atomic powered diaper filling Mega-Poop, either. The horror...the horror...

After dropping the little dude at the sitter this morning I was caught in a downpour. I turned on my wipers and the blade came off…

Crap. So much for my blissful lunch hour of sleep or Doctor Who Confidential.

Laundry tonight, then sleep early I think.

Business as usual tomorrow, so the gym doth beckon. I’m going to try and walk a little later.

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