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Monday, July 14, 2008

I Hate Mondays, Part Deux...

So, lunchtime rolls around and I hop in the car to go to WalMart to get wiper blades and when I get to the parking lot I hear what I think is one of my tires making an odd sound. So I park and get out looking at the front driver’s side, which is where I thought the sound was coming from. It looks fine. I think to myself, “Now what in the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on?”

Then, from behind me I hear, “You gotta flat tiah dere, bay-bee” and sure enough the rear passenger one is completely flat.

“God-DAMMIT!” I swore. “Ah, I’m sorry,” I then said, a little sheepishly. “I’m not having a very good day at all.”

She smiled, “We get tested every day, you know.”

I looked at my tire and laughed, ruefully. “I’m failing today, let me tell you.”

“It’ll get better,” she said smiling again. There’s something reassuring in that Jamaican accent because I believed her.

Well anyhow, while I waited for the AAA dude to come and change the tire, I changed my wiper blades and read for a while. Turns out it was a bad valve, so I am taking it to the tire place tomorrow where I hope they can fix it fast. I don’t want to be late to work if I can help it, you know?

On the plus side, I did not go to Arby’s and eat four roast beefs or anything, so I guess I’m coping with stress a little better, so that’s something.

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