Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 258.1
Current weight: 255.1
Lost this week: 3.0
Total lost: 9.1 pounds
Goal for this week- 4 pounds
Goal: 180
Well, it's not the 4 I was hoping for but I fell off the wagon Thursday and Friday a bit. It was a tasty fall, to be sure, but I'm betting I could have done the four. Thus, I am re-giving myself the same goal.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
You know what? Superman is starting to really tick me off!

This is a great JLA shirt I got off the clearance rack at Wal-Mart for two dollars. Two dollars! Come on, you can’t beat that, can you? Anyway this is my goal shirt. It’s a LARGE, but kind of a large LARGE if you catch my drift. I can wear it but its way too tight (uncomfortable to wear and for those around me who would be subjected to it!). Either that or I am not German enough.
Every German guy I have ever met wears their t-shirts like they were sprayed on. This applies to toy collectors, horror fans* and others alike. I imagine their shopping excursions go a little like this**:
Two German men, both who would wear “large” or XL had they come from the US, are shopping at an independent record store, formerly located in Edison, NJ. The spy the t-shirt rack and go a-hunting.
Dieter: Look, Klaus! It’s a fantastic shirt mit a logo of that band I like!
Klaus: Ja! Das ist kool! Vat size is it?
Dieter: Alas, it is a “LARGE.”
Klaus and Dieter approach the counter where Bill is working.
Klaus: Hallo, good shopkeeper! You maybe have this in a “MEDIUM?”
Bill: You’re kidding, right?
Anyhow, I have this hanging by the bed so when I get up to go to go exercise, I can see it and know what I am working towards. The shirt, that is. I’m not attempting to gain superpowers. It’s a nice motivator, but I have, on occasion, been known to mutter “Ah, f**k you, Superman!” on those harder to wake up mornings. I mean, look at him, with his smug smile and his Kryptonian pecs.
If you think about it, Superman didn’t even have to work on his physique! Not ever! The yellow sun of Earth gave him his super powers and he can eat at McDonald’s all day (and probably did in one of those promotional comics back in the day where like, Batman’s utility belt gets stolen and he defeates the Joker with the help of two local kids and a bunch of crap from Radio Shack) and still not get fat.
Not Batman, no sir. He’s got to work at it. You don’t see Bruce Wayne eating a Double Whopper with Cheese, do you? I mean, yeah, Tony Stark at Burger King in the new Iron Man move, but the man obviously works out.
Maybe a bunch of superheroes on a shirt is not the motivation I need…
*My god, some of the people at the Chiller Theatre shows I used to go to. Wow.
**Totally based on a true story. Seriously. This actually happened, possibly(ok, probably) without the ridiculous, stereotyped accents. Anyway, our only guess was, as Germans are known for their efficiency, they see larger, roomier shirts as “inefficient use of fabric.”
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Week 6: 258.1
Starting weight: 264.2
Current weight: 258.1
Lost this week: 1.3
Total lost: 6.1
Goal: 180
Goal for next week: 4 pounds.
Yeah, you heard that right. Four Pounds! Four lousy, stinkin’ pounds. It’s less than a bag of sugar, right? I would like to be at 10 pounds going into August. Originally I wanted to be at 18 pounds (AKA 10% of goal) by my birthday. I thought that’d make a nice marker. I think I can do it, but I have to seriously step up my game. Let’s face it kids, 12 pounds in six weeks is seriously do-able.
The ridiculous heat and humidity ought to help!
Current weight: 258.1
Lost this week: 1.3
Total lost: 6.1
Goal: 180
Goal for next week: 4 pounds.
Yeah, you heard that right. Four Pounds! Four lousy, stinkin’ pounds. It’s less than a bag of sugar, right? I would like to be at 10 pounds going into August. Originally I wanted to be at 18 pounds (AKA 10% of goal) by my birthday. I thought that’d make a nice marker. I think I can do it, but I have to seriously step up my game. Let’s face it kids, 12 pounds in six weeks is seriously do-able.
The ridiculous heat and humidity ought to help!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Why is the music at the gym so Goddamned annoying? (Sort-of a post about MP3 players, kinda)
I get to the gym sometime between the unholy times of 6 and 6:30 AM and let me tell you, that’s too damn early for this awful shite these people refer to as "music." I realize it is supposed to energize you or whatever, but 90% of the people there are listening to Ipods (or whatever equivalent they may have) anyway and most of the time, the dreck being sloshed out of the speakers is just too loud, not to mention it being tripe.
The Headphones Crowd:
This includes me, naturally. I have gone to the gym without headphones, and it’s a test of will not to march behind the reception desk and break the stereo. Many people have tiny little Ipods strapped to their arm or belt. Me? No, I have a Dell 20GB DJ. It’s not so huge that I can’t use it, but compared to the positively minute options available in today’s MP3 player market, it’s a veritable leviathan. I mean, really, it ought to have at least five commandments chiseled into it. There's not arm band option and it frequently begins to drag my shorts ever downwards. Fortunately, (for everyone concerned) I am hyper-vigilant about making sure that doesn't happen, let the glare from my lilly-white buttocks blind the gals on the stationary bikes behind me!
I’m thinking of getting one of those Sandisk ones m'self, because :
1) they are small
2) I hear great things about them
3) They are sold state
4) They are not Apple.
5) They are much less money.
We got one for our son and it’s 1 1GB Clip model. It’s a terrific sounding player, with a good battery life and it’s the size of an airmail stamp. Seriously, it’s minute. Dare I say “wee?” I think I should get one for the Missus to replace her Memorex one, which sounds awesome, but only lasts like 3 hours and occasionally you just can’t load anything on it…. Certainly unacceptable.
I may be the only person there using their MP3 player to listen to audio books or Old Time Radio shows. Yes, seriously. I find time on the ol’ treadmill or elliptical (which I am still a spaz on) goes must faster listening to Nero Wolfe, Sherlock Holmes or Harry Potter. I'm not really concerned looking like an ass when I laugh out loud to something either. The Doctor Who audios are great as well. If I could find a 4 or 8 gb player on the cheap, I’d load it up with just this stuff, and save it for the gym.
Currently rocking:
The Adventures of Phillip Marlowe
Smoking Popes- Stay Down
Buzzcocks- S/T & Flat Pack Philosophy
I get to the gym sometime between the unholy times of 6 and 6:30 AM and let me tell you, that’s too damn early for this awful shite these people refer to as "music." I realize it is supposed to energize you or whatever, but 90% of the people there are listening to Ipods (or whatever equivalent they may have) anyway and most of the time, the dreck being sloshed out of the speakers is just too loud, not to mention it being tripe.
The Headphones Crowd:
This includes me, naturally. I have gone to the gym without headphones, and it’s a test of will not to march behind the reception desk and break the stereo. Many people have tiny little Ipods strapped to their arm or belt. Me? No, I have a Dell 20GB DJ. It’s not so huge that I can’t use it, but compared to the positively minute options available in today’s MP3 player market, it’s a veritable leviathan. I mean, really, it ought to have at least five commandments chiseled into it. There's not arm band option and it frequently begins to drag my shorts ever downwards. Fortunately, (for everyone concerned) I am hyper-vigilant about making sure that doesn't happen, let the glare from my lilly-white buttocks blind the gals on the stationary bikes behind me!
I’m thinking of getting one of those Sandisk ones m'self, because :
1) they are small
2) I hear great things about them
3) They are sold state
4) They are not Apple.
5) They are much less money.
We got one for our son and it’s 1 1GB Clip model. It’s a terrific sounding player, with a good battery life and it’s the size of an airmail stamp. Seriously, it’s minute. Dare I say “wee?” I think I should get one for the Missus to replace her Memorex one, which sounds awesome, but only lasts like 3 hours and occasionally you just can’t load anything on it…. Certainly unacceptable.
I may be the only person there using their MP3 player to listen to audio books or Old Time Radio shows. Yes, seriously. I find time on the ol’ treadmill or elliptical (which I am still a spaz on) goes must faster listening to Nero Wolfe, Sherlock Holmes or Harry Potter. I'm not really concerned looking like an ass when I laugh out loud to something either. The Doctor Who audios are great as well. If I could find a 4 or 8 gb player on the cheap, I’d load it up with just this stuff, and save it for the gym.
Currently rocking:
The Adventures of Phillip Marlowe
Smoking Popes- Stay Down
Buzzcocks- S/T & Flat Pack Philosophy
Thursday, July 17, 2008
You think you're hungry?
I was watching something about sharks recently, and they mentioned that a shark* may go as long a month between meals. You wonder why they bite people? Imagine I say, oh, round the middle of March, “Come on, I’ll take you to this great place. Eat all you want!” and then tell you after it’s done and you’re all full that you’re cut off until Tax Day! No wonder they all seem so pissed off.
I’d eat a guys face too if I’d been hanging around the ocean for a month without so much as a granola bar or something.
Happy upcoming Shark Week everybody!
It’s been a hell of a week for minor mishaps.
1) The double whammy of the wipers and tire on Monday.
2) Tuesday night I got stung by a bee on my back porch when I took my PC outside to blow all the dust out of it.
3) And today, I cut the ever-loving frick out of my finger slicing up an apple for my son’s lunch. I used to sell Cutco brand knives and I was using my ridiculously sharp knife to slice an apple and I felt it cut me DEEP. So I cleaned it up, put some peroxide on it and proceeded to apply a Go, Diego, Go! Band-Aid. Yes, I’m 37.
I walked to CVS today, intending to pick up a prescription. They open at 7 am now. The pharmacy, however, opens at 8…
So I figured I’d walk home and get my meds later. I got halfway there, and remembered we were low on bananas, so I turned round, and walked back to where 7-11 is and bought a water and 2 bananas. Then I walked home. I had time to duck into the garage to grab the box containing my Terry Pratchett novels only to discover that the box in question contained a dozen boxed Sailor Moon dolls. WTF!?!?
I know I saw that box recently, but where was it?
Ah well, no big whoop.
*Specifically the Oceanic Whitetip, but I seem to recall it being mentioned in regards to the Great White and the Bull shark as well.
I’d eat a guys face too if I’d been hanging around the ocean for a month without so much as a granola bar or something.
Happy upcoming Shark Week everybody!
It’s been a hell of a week for minor mishaps.
1) The double whammy of the wipers and tire on Monday.
2) Tuesday night I got stung by a bee on my back porch when I took my PC outside to blow all the dust out of it.
3) And today, I cut the ever-loving frick out of my finger slicing up an apple for my son’s lunch. I used to sell Cutco brand knives and I was using my ridiculously sharp knife to slice an apple and I felt it cut me DEEP. So I cleaned it up, put some peroxide on it and proceeded to apply a Go, Diego, Go! Band-Aid. Yes, I’m 37.
I walked to CVS today, intending to pick up a prescription. They open at 7 am now. The pharmacy, however, opens at 8…
So I figured I’d walk home and get my meds later. I got halfway there, and remembered we were low on bananas, so I turned round, and walked back to where 7-11 is and bought a water and 2 bananas. Then I walked home. I had time to duck into the garage to grab the box containing my Terry Pratchett novels only to discover that the box in question contained a dozen boxed Sailor Moon dolls. WTF!?!?
I know I saw that box recently, but where was it?
Ah well, no big whoop.
*Specifically the Oceanic Whitetip, but I seem to recall it being mentioned in regards to the Great White and the Bull shark as well.
bad luck,
mal suerte,
Shark Week,
Terry Pratchett
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
How many Calories?
I’m not super calorie conscious, I admit it. I ought to be, lord knows, considering I am rapidly approaching the TWO YEAR COUNTDOWN TO FORTY, and my Sporty goal pertaining to that age! Anyway, I was reading a news article today about restaurants labeling their food in NYC with calorie content. Maybe I'm more conscious than I thought because I wasn't all that surprised by the calorie count on most stuff. Yes, the 1,300+ calorie Asian chicken salad shocked me a bit. I somehow pegged that to be in the 800s somewhere, but inder 1K easy. I mean, come on, it’s a salad for crying out loud, and it’s not even in one of those edible taco bowls. I assume it’s the dried cranberries. In reality, it’s the fact that it’s served in a bowl the size of a hubcap. Folks, when there comes a time when I cannot finish a salad more often than I can, it’s probably too many calories.
What was really funny was people being upset at a 500 calorie muffin at Dunkin Donuts. Sweet Fancy Moses, they are like the size of a baby’s head. Of course they have 500 calories, you dolts! That just makes sense. A piece of fruit that big probably has like 300, why would a baked good not be significantly higher? Yes some decadent desserts have 1,500 calories. You’re supposed to eat this after you have consumed the 1,200 calorie burger and fries (and unlimited soda!). No wonder we’re a nation of colossal fat-asses.
We all have that one thing where it doesn’t matter how many calories it is, you have to do it once in a while. Whether it’s White Castle, or funnel cake (Which I can barely stomach anymore), or something equally horrendous for you, we all have them. Chinese food is the ultimate killer for me. I love it, but that’s not why I started this entry. It's because of the following quote:
“We’re concerned,” acknowledged Eric Hagy, proprietor of Outback Steakhouse on Third Avenue in Manhattan. “I don’t know what effect it will have, but it will bring people’s attention to certain items that are high in calories, like the Bloomin’ Onion appetizer. It has over 2,000 calories, but it’s meant to be shared between two or three people.”
Now I love me some Bloomin’ Onion. I love the Goddamned Bloomin’ Onion almost more than a man should love a food. It’s indecent, really. I haven’t had one in probably a year and a half, and that’s fine, because I love every single one of those Two Thousand Calories so much I could probably give them individual names.*
While in Syracuse, NY on business (I sold collectible toys back then) two fellow dealers, my father and I went to dinner at the Outback. We had the BO as our appetizer. Then we had our usual ridiculous dinner. When the waitress came to see if we wanted dessert we all looked at each other and we knew. We knew it was wrong, but we didn’t care. We were men of action, men of courage, men of intestinal fortitude.
We were men who ordered another frickin Bloomin’ Onion is what we were!
That’s right. Between the four of us, not counting beer (which may have been 1 each) we probably ate, oh, three thousand or so calories that night. I’m probably underestimating. Maybe closer to four thousand. Four Thousand Calories! In theory I should have been good for say, three days or so.
I’m not proud, but I am amazed that they didn’t need to defibrillate any of us there in the restaurant.
*Being Australian, at least two of them would be called Joey and Sheila. I’d also have Steve and Terri and Bindi Sue. I’d have an Angus and Malcolm Young, and a little Olivia Newton-Calorie as well!
What was really funny was people being upset at a 500 calorie muffin at Dunkin Donuts. Sweet Fancy Moses, they are like the size of a baby’s head. Of course they have 500 calories, you dolts! That just makes sense. A piece of fruit that big probably has like 300, why would a baked good not be significantly higher? Yes some decadent desserts have 1,500 calories. You’re supposed to eat this after you have consumed the 1,200 calorie burger and fries (and unlimited soda!). No wonder we’re a nation of colossal fat-asses.
We all have that one thing where it doesn’t matter how many calories it is, you have to do it once in a while. Whether it’s White Castle, or funnel cake (Which I can barely stomach anymore), or something equally horrendous for you, we all have them. Chinese food is the ultimate killer for me. I love it, but that’s not why I started this entry. It's because of the following quote:
“We’re concerned,” acknowledged Eric Hagy, proprietor of Outback Steakhouse on Third Avenue in Manhattan. “I don’t know what effect it will have, but it will bring people’s attention to certain items that are high in calories, like the Bloomin’ Onion appetizer. It has over 2,000 calories, but it’s meant to be shared between two or three people.”
Now I love me some Bloomin’ Onion. I love the Goddamned Bloomin’ Onion almost more than a man should love a food. It’s indecent, really. I haven’t had one in probably a year and a half, and that’s fine, because I love every single one of those Two Thousand Calories so much I could probably give them individual names.*
While in Syracuse, NY on business (I sold collectible toys back then) two fellow dealers, my father and I went to dinner at the Outback. We had the BO as our appetizer. Then we had our usual ridiculous dinner. When the waitress came to see if we wanted dessert we all looked at each other and we knew. We knew it was wrong, but we didn’t care. We were men of action, men of courage, men of intestinal fortitude.
We were men who ordered another frickin Bloomin’ Onion is what we were!
That’s right. Between the four of us, not counting beer (which may have been 1 each) we probably ate, oh, three thousand or so calories that night. I’m probably underestimating. Maybe closer to four thousand. Four Thousand Calories! In theory I should have been good for say, three days or so.
I’m not proud, but I am amazed that they didn’t need to defibrillate any of us there in the restaurant.
*Being Australian, at least two of them would be called Joey and Sheila. I’d also have Steve and Terri and Bindi Sue. I’d have an Angus and Malcolm Young, and a little Olivia Newton-Calorie as well!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Week 5: 259.4
Starting weight: 264.2
Current weight: 259.4
Lost this week: 0 (up .8)
Total lost: 4.8
Goal: 180
OK, I’m up .8 this week. This shouldn’t be as annoying as it’s being at all. Big deal, right? I mean, it could be worse.
For the sake of experimentation, and because I am now becoming slightly obsessed now that I have this damned blog, I have been doing a pre-weigh in Monday night, and a post weigh- in Wednesday morning, trying to figure out if Tuesday is really the right day. I tend to be higher then than either Monday or Wednesday. Yesterday, however, I was shocked to see the number 265.9 which meant like a six pound gain. I tried again and it was like 261. The next try was 252. While that was great, I knew something was afoot. I promptly changed the battery in the scale. This seemed to fix things, aside from being very unforgiving this AM.
No big deal, I suppose.
I tried walking at work last week and promptly flooded the back of the men’s room when I used the shower. It seems the showers were put itn wrong or something according top the woman in Facilities. There’s a boating store nearby and I was gonna look into one of those things they block spills with and see if that’s not too much money. Either that or a squeegee for the floor. What would be great is if I could slap a piece of Plexiglass up at the bottom of the stall and seal it off. I must be pretty serious, I’m thinking of ways to fix the shower at work!
Oh, the tire yesterday had a bad valve. Being I have the warranty on them, it was replaced for free. You gotta love free!
Current weight: 259.4
Lost this week: 0 (up .8)
Total lost: 4.8
Goal: 180
OK, I’m up .8 this week. This shouldn’t be as annoying as it’s being at all. Big deal, right? I mean, it could be worse.
For the sake of experimentation, and because I am now becoming slightly obsessed now that I have this damned blog, I have been doing a pre-weigh in Monday night, and a post weigh- in Wednesday morning, trying to figure out if Tuesday is really the right day. I tend to be higher then than either Monday or Wednesday. Yesterday, however, I was shocked to see the number 265.9 which meant like a six pound gain. I tried again and it was like 261. The next try was 252. While that was great, I knew something was afoot. I promptly changed the battery in the scale. This seemed to fix things, aside from being very unforgiving this AM.
No big deal, I suppose.
I tried walking at work last week and promptly flooded the back of the men’s room when I used the shower. It seems the showers were put itn wrong or something according top the woman in Facilities. There’s a boating store nearby and I was gonna look into one of those things they block spills with and see if that’s not too much money. Either that or a squeegee for the floor. What would be great is if I could slap a piece of Plexiglass up at the bottom of the stall and seal it off. I must be pretty serious, I’m thinking of ways to fix the shower at work!
Oh, the tire yesterday had a bad valve. Being I have the warranty on them, it was replaced for free. You gotta love free!
Monday, July 14, 2008
I Hate Mondays, Part Deux...
So, lunchtime rolls around and I hop in the car to go to WalMart to get wiper blades and when I get to the parking lot I hear what I think is one of my tires making an odd sound. So I park and get out looking at the front driver’s side, which is where I thought the sound was coming from. It looks fine. I think to myself, “Now what in the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on?”
Then, from behind me I hear, “You gotta flat tiah dere, bay-bee” and sure enough the rear passenger one is completely flat.
“God-DAMMIT!” I swore. “Ah, I’m sorry,” I then said, a little sheepishly. “I’m not having a very good day at all.”
She smiled, “We get tested every day, you know.”
I looked at my tire and laughed, ruefully. “I’m failing today, let me tell you.”
“It’ll get better,” she said smiling again. There’s something reassuring in that Jamaican accent because I believed her.
Well anyhow, while I waited for the AAA dude to come and change the tire, I changed my wiper blades and read for a while. Turns out it was a bad valve, so I am taking it to the tire place tomorrow where I hope they can fix it fast. I don’t want to be late to work if I can help it, you know?
On the plus side, I did not go to Arby’s and eat four roast beefs or anything, so I guess I’m coping with stress a little better, so that’s something.
Then, from behind me I hear, “You gotta flat tiah dere, bay-bee” and sure enough the rear passenger one is completely flat.
“God-DAMMIT!” I swore. “Ah, I’m sorry,” I then said, a little sheepishly. “I’m not having a very good day at all.”
She smiled, “We get tested every day, you know.”
I looked at my tire and laughed, ruefully. “I’m failing today, let me tell you.”
“It’ll get better,” she said smiling again. There’s something reassuring in that Jamaican accent because I believed her.
Well anyhow, while I waited for the AAA dude to come and change the tire, I changed my wiper blades and read for a while. Turns out it was a bad valve, so I am taking it to the tire place tomorrow where I hope they can fix it fast. I don’t want to be late to work if I can help it, you know?
On the plus side, I did not go to Arby’s and eat four roast beefs or anything, so I guess I’m coping with stress a little better, so that’s something.
I Hate Mondays...
Sorry to go all “Garfield” on you folks, but today has been a pretty rough trip so far. The Fruit of Our Union (His Lordship, the Mooseman of Aberdeen) finally drifted off to dreamland at 11, and My Lovely Assistant and I finally hit the pillows at about 12:45 ish. Now, The Missus had to work early so the plan was to wake up at 6, make her lunch and get her up. Yes, ladies, I do that. The lunch will frequently even include such amenities as pudding. That’s right, sugar free double chocolate Jell-O, baby! That’s how I do it, awwwwwwww yeah! Sorry gals. I’m taken!
Where was I? Oh yes, in bed. Well, as luck would have it, the Boy woke up from a nightmare and I quickly scoop him up and plop him back in bed with my wife and proceed to the couch. I look at the clock. It’s 4:50. Ten minutes to bloody five in the ay-em! Ugh. I finally drift off at about 5:30. About 10 seconds later, the alarm went off and I stumble towards the bedroom to go wake my wife up. I open the door quietly and, Horror of Horrors, the Boy is awake! The much coveted further hour and 15 minutes of sleep I was to get has vanished like a dream. I take him, change his diaper and we go to watch Blue’s Clues a little bit before breakfast.
I don't even want to relate the atomic powered diaper filling Mega-Poop, either. The horror...the horror...
After dropping the little dude at the sitter this morning I was caught in a downpour. I turned on my wipers and the blade came off…
Crap. So much for my blissful lunch hour of sleep or Doctor Who Confidential.
Laundry tonight, then sleep early I think.
Business as usual tomorrow, so the gym doth beckon. I’m going to try and walk a little later.
Where was I? Oh yes, in bed. Well, as luck would have it, the Boy woke up from a nightmare and I quickly scoop him up and plop him back in bed with my wife and proceed to the couch. I look at the clock. It’s 4:50. Ten minutes to bloody five in the ay-em! Ugh. I finally drift off at about 5:30. About 10 seconds later, the alarm went off and I stumble towards the bedroom to go wake my wife up. I open the door quietly and, Horror of Horrors, the Boy is awake! The much coveted further hour and 15 minutes of sleep I was to get has vanished like a dream. I take him, change his diaper and we go to watch Blue’s Clues a little bit before breakfast.
I don't even want to relate the atomic powered diaper filling Mega-Poop, either. The horror...the horror...
After dropping the little dude at the sitter this morning I was caught in a downpour. I turned on my wipers and the blade came off…
Crap. So much for my blissful lunch hour of sleep or Doctor Who Confidential.
Laundry tonight, then sleep early I think.
Business as usual tomorrow, so the gym doth beckon. I’m going to try and walk a little later.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Udderly ridiculous!
A few years ago I was sitting at my sister in law’s place watching TV when my niece who was probably about 5 at the time, came strolling into the room and stood next to me. I noticed she was giving me the hairy eyeball pretty bad so I looked at her and before I could ask what she was doing she said:
“Uncle Richie, how come you have boobies?”
“Oh, sweetie,” I said chuckling, “I don’t have boobies!”
She looked at me with one of those expressions that says that "Denial" is not just a river in Egypt and said while nodding sagely, “Yeeeeah, I think you got boobies…”
“Go get me a drink, would you?” I said grumpily and she trotted off to the kitchen where she promptly forgot to get me a drink and decided to play with the dog.*
There’s a wake up call for ya, right fellas? Your five year old niece comments on your cans.
Sigh. That’s with a capital “s” for sure kids.
The sad thing is, she was right. I don’t look like Kitten Natividad or anything (go ahead, look her up but not at work!) nor do I expect to be cast in a Russ Meyer film, but let’s just say along with the pony keg I need to get rid of the moobs.
*I ended up getting my own drink, by the way. I know you were wondering.
“Uncle Richie, how come you have boobies?”
“Oh, sweetie,” I said chuckling, “I don’t have boobies!”
She looked at me with one of those expressions that says that "Denial" is not just a river in Egypt and said while nodding sagely, “Yeeeeah, I think you got boobies…”
“Go get me a drink, would you?” I said grumpily and she trotted off to the kitchen where she promptly forgot to get me a drink and decided to play with the dog.*
There’s a wake up call for ya, right fellas? Your five year old niece comments on your cans.
Sigh. That’s with a capital “s” for sure kids.
The sad thing is, she was right. I don’t look like Kitten Natividad or anything (go ahead, look her up but not at work!) nor do I expect to be cast in a Russ Meyer film, but let’s just say along with the pony keg I need to get rid of the moobs.
*I ended up getting my own drink, by the way. I know you were wondering.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Week 4: 258.6
Starting weight: 264.2
Current weight: 258.6
Lost this week: 1.4
Total lost: 5.6
Goal: 180
I need to step up the game little more because I was hoping to be at least at 10 pounds by now. Don’t get me wrong, a loss is a loss, but normally I’m a little better than this. This is not the best I can do, and I know it.
A friend at work today was like “HEY! Did you update your blog yet?” and I said “I weighed in today! Give me a little time already!” but, like I read today, “a weight loss blog with no updates is bad news.” So here’s a very short update! I’m working on a few little essays though. Maybe I’ll post one tomorrow if I can get it done.
My son was a little off this weekend so I was too busy really to post anything. I had swell ideas, yeah, but never got to typing them.
Current weight: 258.6
Lost this week: 1.4
Total lost: 5.6
Goal: 180
I need to step up the game little more because I was hoping to be at least at 10 pounds by now. Don’t get me wrong, a loss is a loss, but normally I’m a little better than this. This is not the best I can do, and I know it.
A friend at work today was like “HEY! Did you update your blog yet?” and I said “I weighed in today! Give me a little time already!” but, like I read today, “a weight loss blog with no updates is bad news.” So here’s a very short update! I’m working on a few little essays though. Maybe I’ll post one tomorrow if I can get it done.
My son was a little off this weekend so I was too busy really to post anything. I had swell ideas, yeah, but never got to typing them.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Week 3: 261.0
Starting weight: 264.2
Current weight: 261.0
Total lost: 3.2
Goal: 180
Goal for next week: 2
Considering I was astoundingly lackadaisical about eating well this weekend(I went to Chili’s and Big Ed’s*), I was surprised to get on the scale and see a loss. I guess hauling the kid around the pool actually helped out! That and the prolific sweating I did this weekend! It was hot!
* Big Ed’s obviously didn’t count since I went with my friend Gilbert, whom I have not seen in three years or so. Therefore, I invoked the Neutral Calorie Rule and enjoyed a scandalous amount of all you can eat ribs.
Current weight: 261.0
Total lost: 3.2
Goal: 180
Goal for next week: 2
Considering I was astoundingly lackadaisical about eating well this weekend(I went to Chili’s and Big Ed’s*), I was surprised to get on the scale and see a loss. I guess hauling the kid around the pool actually helped out! That and the prolific sweating I did this weekend! It was hot!
* Big Ed’s obviously didn’t count since I went with my friend Gilbert, whom I have not seen in three years or so. Therefore, I invoked the Neutral Calorie Rule and enjoyed a scandalous amount of all you can eat ribs.
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