Not what I wanted to hear, but it’s better then hearing definitive bad news.
I’m going to lighten this up a tad now people. This is a food and fitness blog, and obviously I haven’t done a hell of a lot of exercise
So, the Fugu post got people talking about odd food. My cousin mentioned chitterlings, more commonly pronounced as “chitlins.” I have to agree with her. There’s plenty of just plain awful foods, like haggis, or that Italian dish that’s basically a sheep’s head cleaved in half and there you go. Have at it.
I think, people forget sometimes that when people are hungry, they will eat a lot of weird shit, basically because that’s all there is! Have you never been home and been hungry and it’s late or you plain old don’t want to go to the store or you’re too damn broke and you get paid tomorrow so why can’t I eat a meal of toast, an orange, a little dry cereal, and eleven grapes? We’ve all done it.
I have eaten what some people would consider strange food, even while avoiding things that most people consider me patently insane for not liking. If you know me, you know I am of course, referring to cheese, the Devil’s own favorite. I hate cheese like Hitler!* I hate cheese like I hate cancer. I hate cheese like I hate the Jennifer Lopez song “Jenny From the Block.”
Actually, that’s not strictly true because “Jenny from the Block” makes me want to hatchet-murder someone. I hate that song with such fervent vitriol that I literally see red when that song comes on, and thankfully people seem to have forgotten it because I can not be responsible for my action when it's on. I won't eat cheese, but it doesn't make me mad or anything.
Anyway, back to strange food. What were people thinking with some of this stuff...I mean, head cheese? Who decided that that looked good? How damn hungry do you have to be before you see your first lobster and think “I’m going to put bits of that giant sea-roach in my mouth! That might be good…”? Monkey brains!?!?! Prairie Oysters?!?!?! I don’t want to eat anything something thinks or makes babies with, nossir.
I mean, I understand people who don’t have much will use every part of an animal that’s edible. I get that. That does not mean it’s a “delicacy” for real. I mean, I’m pretty sure if I were starving and I got handed a plate of, oh I dunno, squirrel nuggets or something, I’d be more than happy to chow down.**
Like I was saying before, I have had odd food. Amongst those items some folks might call strange:
*Wild boar
I have enjoyed all of the above.
So, what’s the strangest thing you’ve actually eaten? Leave a comment and we’ll discuss this on Monday.
*What? Don’t look at me like that! Hitler was a bad guy, it’s OK to hate him, honest.
** Like I have always said, you can probably choke damn near anything down with a good enough selection of dippin’ sauces.
*** I’m sorry, I had to. You’ll forgive me. See below...