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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Week 13: 257.1

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 251.1
Current weight: 257.1
Lost this week: 0 (up 1)
Total lost: 7.1 pounds
Goal for this week: At this point, any downward trend would be bitchin'

Goal Weight: 180

Weight remaining to lose: 77.1

Sorry for the lack of blog-tivity this week, but it’s been a bitch of a week.

Took a good long look at myself in the mirror this morning and was summarily disgusted. Seriously. I mean, I’ve been under a fair amount of stress as of late and I have just stopped going to the gym. It’s just so damned early and I have been so damned tired. Probably “so damned lazy” as well, truth be told. But I caught sight of that horrendously pale, doughy son of a bitch in the mirror and said, “Man, that’s you!

What happened, indeed.

When I was a kid I was skinny. There are pictures of me where you can distinctly see ribs. There’s no gut. I was an 8 year old Adonis. Things started getting chubby at around 12. So, obviously, I blame 1982 for the start of my troubles!

I was never a vegetable eater either. I like them raw, but not cooked, even to this day. I mean, I eat them, but I never in the middle of the day think “Man, I could really go for some peas right now!” White Castle, on the other hand…Well, you know what I’m saying.

I am Junk Food’s bitch. This is not a relationship I enjoy, it’s bad for me, and it makes me look and feel like crap. It’s tough to get away from. Sometimes I feel like one of those junkies on Intervention. I was showing some improvement in the gut and face area and it’s gone again.

So, I gotta get up again, and dust myself off, and get back to work.

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