Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Week 68- 229.6 Ok, that's better.
Weight last week: 231.7
Current weight: 229.6
Lost this week: 2.1
Total lost to date: 34.6
Weight remaining to lose: 49.6 pounds
All righty, this is more like it! I've been working hard this week, I stepped up my walking and my weights and the number of reps on the ab-roller and all. I still haven't made up for my gain, but we're working on it.
ALDI has replaced the frozen turkey burgers with 2 packs of pre-cooked ones, and also chicken burgers. While they are basically a buck each (thereby doubling your cost) they are both quite good. Also, the Chicken burgers are superb, even better than the turkey. I highly recommend them. They are three points, while the turkey is 4! Also, have 'em on a Pepperidge Farm Sandwich Flat and you have a 4 or 5 point sammich!
Anyway, biggest loser tonight, but I probably won't be able to watch it until tomorrow. I'll keep you posted!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Seriously, this is how you get your kicks on a Sunday night?
The only thing that did was increase my pulse rate, although some of it was, I am sure, my vivid fantasies of you wrapping your pickup truck around a tree and ending up in horrible, painful and expensive traction.
In short, get bent you mouth-breathing douchebags.
It's getting so a guy can't walk down dark, creepy streets by himself at 10 PM anymore.
On Friday, on the other hand, after my meeting at Unemployment, I went for a walk in the Cheesequake Park. Here's two pics.
Here's some nice marshy scenerey

A shot of Hooks Lake, which is a heck of a lot bigger than I initially thought!

It was so beautiful and peaceful and quiet, I felt every bit of stress and tension leaving me as I walked through the forest. Then, at one point I began actually running through the trails. Yes, you heard me I ran. That's a different kind of workout, let me tell you! For a little while I felt like I didn't have a care in the world.
Reality always comes back, and always too far quickly, but for a little while there, it was me, and the world God made, and that was it, and, man, was it ever good...
Friday, September 25, 2009
Biggest Loser Update, finally!
OK, it's becoming a real pain to find the time to update this blog as of late, but I have made a commitment. So, here's my thoughts on the first two weeks of the new season of The Biggest Loser.
Last year they made a huge deal about last year being “the biggest season ever” but Boy Howdy, have they gathered a huge group of contestants this time out. I mean, wow, we've got a contestant weighing in at 467 pounds, and it's a lady to boot.
There's not I joke I can make here and be even in the neighborhood of what might be deemed tasteful. These folks are in trouble. They are, quite literally, in very bad shape.
I mean, you have Tracey, who collapsed when trying to run a mile for the first challenge and was hospitalized for a week. Her partner, Coach Mo, was also sent to the hospital, but was released in fairly short order. On the following day. Then you have Shay, a 30 year old who weighed just shy of 480 pounds, and surpassed Daniel as the biggest player ever.
Remember Daniel? 454 pounds last year, and eliminated sadly on the first week. Well, he's back and is as charming as a footlocker full of kittens. He teamed up with Shay, ostensibly to help her out, but he's no dummy. She's got a ton of weight to lose and that can only help the team, providing she does the work.
She faltered once, and been a driven like mad ever since.
Abby is another favorite of mine. In 2006 she lost her entire family (Husband, 5 year old daughter and 2 ½ week old son in a car accident. How she even functions as a human being is beyond my comprehension, but she's trying to live a normal life again.
Let's see who else do we like? I mean, it's early, you kind of like everyone at this point.
There's Rebecca. My wife can't stand her, I think that she's spunky! Then there's Coach Mo, and you can't not like the man. He's a former athlete and now a girl's athletic coach. He's a youth mentor and just seems like the most likeable dude.
There's seriously, nobody here I dislike. Who you gonna root against? Sean, the youth minister with the somewhat bad hair? Who? Even Julio, who looked like he might end up being a real jerk, posted respectable second week numbers.
Now, I worry about America's Choice, Amanda, as she's only pinged 12 pounds so far. However, girls like that can, and frequently do, blow you goddamn doors off if given enough of a chance.
Speaking of Week 2, the dreaded Week 2, this was a twist.
Provided the group lost a collective 150 pounds, everyone got to stay! Fail to do so, and two have to leave.
The challenge would land the team with 20 pounds off the final total and a phone call home!
the quiz with celebrity guest chef earned them another 15.
They managed to do it. The phone calls were hard. Anyone where a dad starts crying because he hears his kids just slays me. Abby telling her mom that she climbed a mountain and “two butterflies followed me the whole way!” was just too much. If that didn't nearly kill you, your heart is black and dead inside.
The fact that they all teamed up and beat the week 2 challenge made me really happy
Daniel seems really good at motivating Shay. They make a great team.
Sean and Antoine's Happy Dances. Hysterical.
No one went home. Refreshing!
Bob and Jillian teaming up and just demolishing the contestants.
The two-hour format worked better for week two. Week one was edited very shoddily, and gave away every single suspenseful moment and wrecking every “what's going to happen next? Moment. We know what's gonna happen, because you gave it all away in the pre-show montage, you dopes!
The blatant commercials in the show are still very awkward, but are better than last year. I like where this season is going.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Week 67- 231.7 Yeah. That hurts.
Weight last week: 228.7
Current weight: 231.7
Lost this week: UP THREE
Total lost to date: 32.5
Weight remaining to lose: 51.7 pounds
Well, this is a goddamn heartbreaker, isn't it? I'll be honest, I ate Chinese food yesterday and I expected stagnation. Normally I am not affected by this until 2 days after eating bad, which means tomorrow might actually be worse?
Ugh, well, at least the 38 waist pants are still fitting loose!
I'm gonna go walk to the post office.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Biggest Loser Update, fothcoming
I still haven't heard back on my bloodwork yet, which is odd. Usually I get it back straight away, a day or two (or at most three) after I go to the doctor. I meant to call about it today, but as usual, I forgot. I have the absolute worst memory lately. I can't seem to remember a damned thing. Better talk to the doctor about that too.
I have this fear that I will someday lose my mind completely. It terrifies me. When I have things repeatedly slip my mind it makes me very angry and and frustrated not to mention scared because I think it's already starting to happen.
I know I won't know it happened, but I've seen the other side an it's heartbreaking. Besides, I want to remember everything and everyone.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
(Get your Kicks on) Week 66- 228.7
Weight last week: 229.8
Current weight: 228.7
Lost this week: 1.1
Total lost to date: 35.5
Weight remaining to lose: 48.7 pounds
Argh! Hellfire and damnation, he's playing around with the title formatting!
Yeah, but I like the song* so there.
Anyway, I'm pleased with my progress, even though my wife is now thoroughly kicking my ass with a damn near forty pound weight loss! It's amazing and she looks great. Great job sweetie!
Now I have to catch up!
I bought one of those belts to wear over my belly when I jump rope because the flab bouncing to and fro (OK, Up and down, really) was distracting and a little uncomfortable. It's supposed to help burn fat, so here we go.
Sorry for the late posting today, but I was remarkably busy! It was the boy's first day of school and I went to a job fair. You know, when I hear "fair" I expect balloons and rides and it wasn't like that, at all! I mean, there were just a lot of desperate looking people in suits (and a couple dudes who showed up in torn jeans and Ed Hardy shirts, which just screams "I want to wash dishes for you!") and the funnel cake was just terrible!!
Oh, Biggest Loser starts tonight.
*here, Janet. I can hear you from here going "WHAT SONG!?!?!" click here
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I have a monkey on my back. A chubby monkey.
I was totally feeling like that on the way home from our parent-teacher meeting*. I was craving a sammich from Dunkin Donuts. I rationalized it all in my head, but I didn't do it. I drove home instead.
I figured I could have a few pieces of on an Arnold Sandwich Flat (wow, are these ever good, and only one point a piece!) with some Fit N Active Turkey Bacon, but lo and behold, the bacon was rancid.
Instead I had some almonds. Boy, that took the edge off. That was sarcasm, by the way.
I wonder if it will get easier. The siren's song of the BAD FOOD is as strong as it's ever been. It's really annoying, to tell you the truth!
* Which I was late for because I was stuck behind a School Bus. Yes, I see the irony.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Week 65- 229.8 Welcome to the two-twenties!
Weight last week: 231.0
Current weight: 229.8
Lost this week: 1.2
Total lost to date: 34.4
Weight remaining to lose: 49.1 pounds
yeah, yeah. I know it's been a week! Every time I sat down to write I got sidetracked....
Went for blood work today and the pressure was pretty good, se we'll see.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Week 64- 231.0 I fully blame the pulled pork :)
Weight last week: 230.4
Current weight: 231.0
Lost this week: +.6
Total lost to date: 32.2
Goal for this week: 2 pounds. Lets stick with this and see if we can't maintain some momentumI said 2 pounds last week. This did not take, so we call it three this week and we bust our ever loving balls doing it...
Goal Weight: 180
Weight remaining to lose: 51 pounds
I suppose it was to be expected, but i was hoping to be in the 220 club this week. I out-fooded myself Sunday with the pulled pork sammiches. it wasn't so much the meat, but the damned potato rolls! I walked six miles and it managed to keep me from gainging like 8 pounds, so that's something!
I am going to beat myself pretty good this week. Lets see what happens, shall we?