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Friday, June 12, 2009

So this is must be what it's like to live in England...

Man, enough already with the rain!

It's damper than a bobbysoxer's theater seat during a Sinatra show*

I didn't even go out last night for my walk, rain and fog, and I was just plum tuckered out**. The Missus passed out at like 10:30 and I managed to struggle through to 11:15 with the assistance of the awesome Ultraman box set I got.

It finally brightened up, but the humidity is obscenely oppressive. It’s quite something, really. It's like breathing syrup.

Well, the weekend looks good, so hopefully you can all get out and get moving. I know I will be out and about!

* according to reports, the gals would ruin many a seat by either getting worked up, or by not wanting to use the bathroom lest another girl take thier seat so they'd just pee there. True story!

** Yep. You know, after a long day of herding cattle and fending off rustlers. Hoping to get a more secure gig as a barber/dentist eventually! Yee haw.

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