Weight last week: 255.1
Current weight: 257.9
Lost this week: +2.8
Total lost to date: 6.3
Goal for this week: 2 pounds
Goal Weight: 180
Weight remaining to lose: 75.1
Yep.Almost 1 year into the Initiative and I am looking at a measly 6.3 pound total weight loss. Yes, I am under a considerable amount of stress, but even so this is pathetic. Part of me wants to scrap the whole thing and just get so fat I need a mumu. Then logic kicks in, and I realize I don't want to die in a mumu. Laziness has been my bane for damn near 39 years, and it’s a constant battle.
Stupid metabolism!
Mom's not doing well at all. I think it's only a matter of a very short time at this point. Man it’s really weird to type that. I can’t help but think about Mom a lot these day, as you’d expect, and hope that she’ll soon be in a better place.
I believe in an afterlife. I may not be the most religious guy, but I do believe in a place your soul or being or consciousness goes when you die.
Manwhile, in real life, my Check Engine Light mocks me from the darkness of my dashboard. I forgot to renew a website of mine, and I may have lost the domain. Also, it looks like my kid has a cold, and my fucking toilet broke this morning. Yes, really. I mean, isn't that the spot in the movie where you'd hear the Wah-wah-wah wahhhhhhh trumpet? It’s like “Hey I know life is really whacking you in the nuts right now, but if it makes you feel any better, now you can’t poop.”
God, if you are testing me, I'd like to see how I go about taking the make-up test so I can get a break here, OK? I’m supposed to be the hero of this picture, and I was wondering when the cool third act is supposed to start.
NEW BLOG:http://yourefatamerica.blogspot.com/
this is a new blog written by someone on a music message board I belong to. He's pretty funny.
Exercise:I took a great walk yesterday at a park near work. Here's some photos I took with my cel phone’s camera:

I especially like how this looks like a vortex in the middle.