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Friday, February 6, 2009

Why didn't I think of that!?!?!

Every so often a cool new blog comes to my attention and I thought, instead of just adding it to the links section, I’d make you guys aware of it too.

It’s a family from NYC who has collected over $1,000 in found money in a couple years, a few cents at a time! They document where they were and how much they got. It’s pretty great, if you’re a guy like me who loves minutiae. Amazing. When they hit 10 grand they are going to give it to charity. That’s pretty cool. I mean I pick up money all the time, but I always use it. Tolls, etc.

I get the feeling that if the US adopted a dollar coin* I’d have much better random change hauls, you know?

Remember back in October when I found that pile of coins? That was pretty sweet and I’d love to find a nice haul like that again!

*On that we actually use you know? The only thing we use the Sacajawea dollars for are my niece’s visits from the Tooth Fairy.

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