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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week 34: 254.6

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 252.9
Current weight: 254.6
Lost this week: + 1.7
Total lost to date: 9.6
Goal for this week: 3 pounds

Goal Weight: 180

Weight remaining to lose: 77

Not a great week this week, and to top it all off I forgot to weigh myself in yesterday. I had Monday off to take care of some personal matters and sure as shootin’, got to work and remembered it was Tuesday.

What can you do, right?

I ate reasonably well last week but lost it on the extended weekend. Stress either makes me not eat at all, or makes me eat nothing but absolute garbage at a pace that rivals that of jerks who want to post “FIRST! LOLZ!!!!” on internet websites comment sections. In other words, I tend to eat like I am going to the electric chair. The worse the better, usually. Although, if there was a bucket of celery sticks in the fridge I’d probably eat those. I’m not real specific about it either, I’d eat healthy stuff, but I gravitate to junk, like a culinary Fred Sanford.

I had a big ‘ol bowl of Fiber One cereal this morning, and at about 10:15 I thought I was literally going to explode. I know it’s good for me (and it tastes really good too!) and it’s something my body’s gonna have to get used to, but well, let’s just say I am feeling much better now!

And now onto this week’s BIGGEST LOSER comments-

Bob and Jillian were positively brutal to Aubrey for her paltry 2 pounds in 1 month weight loss, and deservedly so. Jillian, especially, was vehement about the BS excuses of “You didn’t lose weigt but gained muscle” or “lost inches.” Bob also made a point as to how hard it is to lose at home, and she’s got 5 kids etc, while the people on the ranch lost because while they are there, losing weight is basically their job. I did feel bad for her, but like Bob said, “That’s what happened, get past it, you’re here now, and move forward.”

And move forward she did, banging out an impressive 10 pound loss this week, along with her sister, who did a respectable 6! In fact, all the returning players made a fine showing including Carla from the “Best Friends” /Silver Team. The problem was with only one contestant. I’ll give you 1 guess as to who cocked it up this week.

Yes, my favorite punching bag, Joelle. She managed to stroll, sigh and complain her way to a zero pound weight loss this week. You could see Carla busting her ass (and losing a very respectable 9 pounds for it) while Joelle wandered around the gym and half-assed it. Then she started spouting off some bizarre rhetoric about how she’s learning and pushing herself when she admitted that if she fell below the yellow line, there would be enough people on Bob’s team to save her and Carla, as she was confident that one of Jillian’s teams would go below the line.

Of course she didn’t count on Ron and Mike, the Father/Son team, to also go below that line. What looked like an obvious choice to her was clouded by her inability to realize that nobody liked her, and they sent her home because of that, and in spite of the fact that they all pretty much like Carla. A lot. Carla came back and did what was expected of her, and so did Aubrey. Ron is doing everything he needs to be doing (and so is his son) and, most importantly, they both want to be there. Joelle did nothing and acted like a pouty child when she was sent home. There was only one way the others could have voted, confronted with all that, and they sent Joelle packing, and unfortunately that meant they had to take Carla too.

So, next week it looks like Mike is in trouble again. We shall see, we shall see.

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