Progress! Follow along at home!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Week 35: 254.4

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 254.6
Current weight: 254.4
Lost this week: .2
Total lost to date: 9.8
Goal for this week: 2 pounds

Goal Weight: 180

Weight remaining to lose: 76.8

This is just pathetic. I don’t know why I’m wasting my and everyone else’s time with this. I’m obviously not doing what I should be, and so, I have to ask myself: “Why bother to keep writing the blog?”

I think it’s to at least put some content up so that the readership I do actually have will stay so when I finally do get my ass in gear they will be here for it.

Also, if I stop, it will show that I have given up completely, and I am not doing that. I won’t lie, there’s a tiny corner of my brain that says “Ah, who cares about fitness? What’s so great about living past 45 anyhow?” and I say “Shut it, you!”

I have too much to live for. Yes, there’s no denying that the world is on a shit slide into h-e-double-hockeysticks, but it’s still better then the alternative if you ask me. Whenever I make my wife laugh (not a chuckle, but a good, solid, guffawing that brings a tear to your eye) or my little boy runs up to me and gives me a smooch, I am reminded of why I have to do these things, in order to stay withthem for as long as possible.

Sometimes I am so weak, and I can’t stand it. Pissed off at myself again.

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