Progress! Follow along at home!

Monday, February 16, 2009 Shoving me full force into middle age. Sorta.

So I went to today and took the test that basically tells you how old you really are based on a survey you take. Based on that, I am


Well, sod that kids.

I'm going to make sure this is added to my blog as it changes and believe me, It's got to. I'm subtracting six years off my life living like this. Considering we only get a mere handful (in the cosmi sense and all) this is wigging me the hell out.

Also new this week- is this here counter. It's tracking my weight loss. Check it out!

I like the little treadmill :) It'll be updated on Tuesdays just like my other weigh in information.

Expect tomorrow's to blow. I know I am.

*Sweet Fancy Moses! That's just unacceptable. No effing way.

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