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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

There's a McDonald's on the way to the gym...

and invariably I catch that light. I love the breakfast there, and have since high school. I have eaten an inordinate amount of pigs in the form of those little sausage patties on a biscuit. When I think of it, I have abused myself pretty solidly for far too long.

Anyway, back to that bastion of calories on the way to the gym. There it sits, like the house of an ex girlfriend, calling to me while I sit waiting for the damned light to change. I know full well she's ready to take me back, and in a few minutes I could be making hot, greasy breakfast love again. It would be good, oh yes, it would be good. Warm, tasty sausage on a flaky, buttery biscuit. Crispity, delicious hash browns shaped like a flat capsule for some reason, but no less nummy. I know she's bad for me, believe me, I do. Sometimes it's just easier to give in. For a few minutes, I am in heaven. However, afterward it's always awkward, I'm all ashamed of myself and she's expecting to see me every day again, "just like it was before." It's hard to resist her siren-like call, but for the Initiative to succeed I must. Yes, she makes me feel good, but really, she's killing me by degrees.

That can't happen.

So, instead I'm at home eating Fiber One cereal (the kind that look like rabbit pellets a bit) and soy milk. The cereal is pretty great, and surprisingly does not taste like twigs. The only problem I can foresee is increased intake of fiber and soy on one end, leads to increased production at the other end, if you catch my drift. In other words, you end up crapping like a zoo monkey for a while. It's pretty standard. If I change my diet I suffer a period of about a week where my body and digestive system have to adjust to the intake, one way or another.

It'll all be worth it eventually.

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