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Monday, June 16, 2008

Chest Pain! Don't Panic!

No, not the heart attack-y kind of chest pain, more along the line of “I have been lifting things that I am unaccustomed to lifting” chest pains. I feel like I bench pressed a Buick, despite only doing some weight work on Saturday. Go figure.

Well, kids, we’re a week in, and I’m feeling OK, despite this annoying hacky cough I seem to have developed since Friday night. Phlegm city, population HACK! HACK! HACK! HACK! KOFF KOFF! ACCCCKKK! Ahem, population, me!

I had a nice relaxing Father’s day, thankyouverymuch. We went out to Collingwood Flea Market but didn’t stay too long because it was too bloody humid. Owen looked at us like “Really? This is your idea of fun? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?” He’s not the kind of kid who gets cheered up if you buy him something either, because he doesn’t yet care about that. Well, unless it’s ice cream. He understands ice cream, for sure.

I’m going to keep weighing in on Tuesday I think, because for the most part, it’s the Pete Best of the days of the week. Here’s what I mean:

Monday: UGH! Monday Sucks! Booooo! Eff You, Monday
Tuesday: Well, at least it’s not Monday!
Wednesday: HUMP DAY!
Thursday: It’s the new Friday!
Friday: Woooooooo! It’s the weekend, baby!!!! Woooooooo!
Sat: the day you have eleven billion things to do but you generally just end up putting it off till Saturday. Also if you’re Jewish: Yay, God!
Sunday: your last gasp before going back to work. Doing 1 thing you put off yesterday, then postponing the rest until next Saturday. Also, non-Jews: Yay, God!

See, the best you can say about Tuesday is :It’s not Monday? Jeez. OK, that and it’s a great girl’s name.

Anyhow, that’s when I will be lumbering onto the scale for those of you paying attention, that is.

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