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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Running scared? A little bit, yeah, but hey, at least I’m running.

I don’t mean to be a downer, but I going to be.

Political commentator Tim Russert died recently. Heart attack. If you’re a fat dude like me, one who is on cholesterol and blood pressure meds, I suggest you read the CNN column I linked below.

This has scared the ever-lovin’ living hell out of me. Let’s see if it scares you, too.

Yes, Tim Russert should have gotten himself into shape. This is all very much self inflicted, but it also begs the question: What the hell are our doctors doing to us?

This sort of thing furthers pushes me to action.

Lose the weight, lose the weight.

This needs to become my mantra. Yeah, I cheat on my diet and I do it far more than I ought to. I am a slave to convenience and grease. Reading this, and realizing that many of the medicines we take simply make matters worse, I am going to try even harder not to be so. Meds we are given by our healthcare providers to make us better have a decent chance of putting in the ground in some circumstances. I never really realized this, or maybe I trust doctors a little too much. Hell, I never knew flying in a plane was so stressful on your body. I take comfort in the fact my doctor said her ultimate goal is to get me off meds.

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