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Monday, July 7, 2014

Everything this is fat again. Yes I mean me.

ROUND 2 the start!
Starting weight: 264.1 (BANWAP*)
Weight last week: na
Current weight: 264.1
Lost this week: n/a

Total lost to date: n/a

Weight left to lose: 84.1
Yes, that's right, I'm back baby!  Got a new scale too. 
So my Fat content is a staggering 35.9 (I would be super cheap meat, but mmmm-mmm look at that marbling!)
Hydration level- 46.9.  Gotta read the manual about what that actually means, but I know it.
BMI- 37.5 (i.e. Tubby)
There will be some minor tweaks here and there but I expect to update Mon,  Wed and Friday
*BANWAP, thanks to Dan from the Resistors stands for Bare-Assed Naked Weight After Pooping.

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