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Friday, August 7, 2009

Reinforcing stereotypes, one fat kid at a time...

Man, unemployment is a totally different thing depending on your age and situation in life.

If I was young and single, I'd be all "Sweet! Paid summer vacation!" and I'd park myself at the pool all day. As a married father of 1 I think "man, I gotta get a job!"

It's all about perspective, baby!

Anyway, about the blog title, I was leaving McDonalds today (yeah, I took the boy there. I ate OK) and this pair of chubby kids come galumphing up the walk* and while I thought they were going to open the door for me and Owen, they simply opened it and barreled past us like they were giving away free food inside. So yeas, two girls nearly knocked over my three year old to get their Mickey D's fix.

* or the "galumph" as the case may be.

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