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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 140- this makes some sense, and yet...not really...

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week 242.0
Current weight: 242.0
Lost this week: 0

Total lost to date: 22.2

Weight left to lose: 62.0

Considering I didn't eat all that much while sick,this is a little disappointing :)

Ah, whatever. Soon enough, I will be hitting this as hard as I once did, and for good reason. I flat out do not want to die!

It's been hard to gear up the rah-rah machine for the needed enthusiasm to get back to the gym as of late. Quite frankly, it's been a little tough to fire up the rah-rah machine in general.

I was like this before I started my journey back in June of 2008. Mopey, fat, lethargic. Basically a big, pasty, doughy ball of "meh."

At least I had the goal of "Sporty by Forty" to work towards, right?

Now what?

I suppose I could come up with another slogan, but aside from being snazzy, what good would it do? It won't get me on a treadmill. It won't get me to stop eating like a pre-Olympics Micheal Phelps.

You know what's inspiring me?


I feel like shit. My feet hurt, I am uncomfortable 90% of the time. My back hurts. Let's not even mention that while I do not weigh the same as when I started, my gut actually appears bigger than when I started. How in the hell is that even possible? I mean, on the one hand, it's at least not hard like it used to be. This leads me to believe I may be filled with some type of nougat, which is both terrifying and delightful. More of the first than the second, honestly.

My umbilical hernia is really annoying, but at least I wear an apron at work. I noticed the other day that my neck appears to be disappearing again. Well, shit, we can't have that. I like my neck. It went away so slowly the first time I almost didn't notice.

Not this time. Not again! Not here! Not now! I'm doing it for the neck!

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