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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 138- About the same, thanks...

I was gonna title this week after the Misfits "We Are 138" but that'd be a bit of an unhealthy weight for me, you know?

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week (OK, last weigh in which was 1/19!): 245.0
Current weight: 243.0
Lost this week: 2

Total lost to date: 21.2

Weight left to lose: 63.0

Hey, two pounds is OK. Despite sporadic gym attendance, it looks like trying to not eat like a complete asshole pays off. I still have my moments, mind you. Big Ed and his goddamn Pulled Pork Sliders are no help, mind you.

Look, I'm not going to lie and tell you they are not delicious, heck no. I am going to warn you that they are insidiously delicious and if you are like me and have absolutely no self control built into your skull, you should avoid them like Lindsay Lohan avoids Sobriety.

Oh, and did you hear that Ms. Lohan is said recently that she was worried about Charlie Sheen? Seriously, if Lindsay Lohan thinks you may have a problem, maybe it's time to peel it frick back a little, eh, Charlie?

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