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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ah, the gym (and why going there at night makes me a little sad.)

So I went to the gym last night and was reminded, quite forcibly mind you, of why the gym at night is a different animal than the gym during the day.

During the day it's housewives, college students, and Super Virile Asian Man. We've discussed him before. At night the cast of Jersey Shore: The Guidos that Didn't Make It come out. I didn't see the regulars mentioned in the aforementioned linked post, but truth be told, I was too sickened by the music.

I don't like KTU-style, fist-pumping, Night at the Roxbury type dance music. I don't like it in a club, I don't like it coming out of a radio, and I sure as shit do not like it at the gym. The fact that everyone there looks like they are just waiting to get into a fight in front of the Hunka-Bunka Ballroom simply adds to my discomfort.


Anyhoo....I'm not going tonight only because I am sore as hell. I feel like someone beat the ever loving snot out of me with one of those metal baker's racks. Then they beat me with all the shit on the shelves for good measure. I'm going to take a good long walk tonight in the neighborhood and I may again attempt jump rope.

That sound you hear at about 8:30 EST is not a sheet metal factory being demolished, it'll be me :)

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