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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 84- De-rutted it seems!

Also, Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 227.0
Current weight: 225.1
Lost this week: 1.9
Total lost to date: 38.7

Weight remaining to lose: 46.1 pounds

Sorry for the delay in posting! I have been figting off a cold or something (You know, like Tapanooli Fever or the Black Formosa Corruption*) for a couple of days now.

Well, I managed to miss both Lost AND Biggest Loser. DAMN!

Punxsutawney Phil and Essex Ed (the groundhog @ Turtle Back Zoo) saw their shadows, the damn fools. Only Cornfield Larry** predicted an early end to winter. I'm getting on the Corn Wagon. Truth be told, I want one of those snazzy Essex Ed hats too.

I appreciate that while a lot of Groundhogs*** are named via alteration, Cornfield Larry is just that I am sure. A big ol' Groundhog from a corn field.

Of course, Phil was vindicated today by dumping some snow on us, the tubby so and so.

* Come on, where is this from? Someone has to get it!
**From Indiana I believe. He, amazingly, has no website.
*** I capitalized, because he's a local celebrity.

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