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Monday, February 22, 2010

OK, everybody out of the pool!

Yeah, so I enjoy a good chicken sammich. I bought some Perdue chicken cutlets which are 5 points each. I pretty much polished off the package in two days with them on sammich flats.

THE THING IS, the damned things have 13g of fat each. So, needless to say, after consuming 52g of fat in less than 24 hours, my stomach revolted and it was, well, revolting quite frankly.

That'll learn me, right?

Just goes to show you, kiddos, just because the Weight Watchers Points value seems reasonable, let's not get stupid about it.

Your tummy will thank you for it.

Try this instead:
1- Fit and Active Multigrain Wrap (1 point)
2- 2 Kirkland chicken Tenderloins grilled up on the Foreman (2 points)
3- load that bad boy up with whatever veggies you want
4- you can put a little (I said a little! Don't drown your food! Did you learn nothing from Saturday Cartoons!?!?!) ketchup or BBQ sauce or whatever. (generally 1 point)

Please note, cheese is optional and considered offensive by the author. You may also choose tofu or something I guess if you're a meatophobe.

Oh, I don't go for bloodwork until the fifth. The previous entry is invalidated by my inability to read a calendar properly sometimes.

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