Progress! Follow along at home!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 70: 227.0 We'll take that, thanks very much

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 229.2
Current weight: 227.0
Lost this week: 2.2
Total lost to date: 37.2

Weight remaining to lose: 47 pounds

For some reason, 47 pounds looks daunting to me today!

In the "It's about time, there Lazybones" dept":

Not a lot to say about the Biggest Loser last week either.

Blue Team won the challenge right at the get go (well, Tracy watched while everyone else sweat their collective bollocks off. Allen was a MONSTER as usual!) They had to dig 4 boxes that contained keys out of a six foot deep hole in the beach.

Took ‘em damn near an hour to do it to boot! The prize was tickets to go home. The catch, of course was they were on their own for a week.

Or were they?

Turns out they could send the other team home, which is exactly what they did. So, we didn’t get a lot of “Crazy Eyes drama” this week, but we did get a lot of “Oh my God, did they eat that or didn’t they” editing?

When the Black team came back they knew they had their work cut out for them. After the Blue Team weighed in Black had to lose 45 pounds. When Danny banged out an very impressive fifteen pounds it looked as if they might actually pull it off. Then we got to Daniel.

Daniel, whom I do not believe did anything wrong, went UP a pound. Something is way fishy here.

The long story short was they voted Dina off and I am staring to think both Daniel and Shay are more than playing the game here.

2 things before I go,

1) sorry to Allen for spelling his name wrong in the past. and

2) What's with families of contestants eating like goddamn savages when they all went out to dinner? Shay's husband had two full meals! Holy crap!

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