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Friday, October 2, 2009

The accidental walk...

So, I went for a walk at Cheesquake Park and decided I wanted to do a little more than the yellow 20 minute trail (which I explored previously), but nothing so long as the 90 minute Green trail. So according to this sign:

I wanted the nice 40 minute red trail. THE RED TRAIL. Everyone write that down, this becomes important later in the story. So, off I go into the woods. it's nice, the colors are more muted as it was overcast, and it made the stuff that did stand out pop all the more like this moss-

I saw a lot of cool mushrooms like this one I though might house Smurfs.

like so-

So, I came to a junction, and I could either choose the red or green trail. So, I think "green means 'go' and so off I went. That's right, on the green trail. Can we take another look at the sign please?

Thank you.

Yep, that was the wrong choice.

So the green trail was a lot of up and down including this steep staircase:

which led to this awesome swamp which had this boss walkway:

Along the way there were nice holly trees as well.

And cool fungi.

I wish the tall white one had come out better. It was really neat!

Now, at one point there's a nice walkway built by Boy Scouts. This is cool because otherwise you'd be walking in the mud. You know, sort of like this:

WTF!?!?! How am I supposed to get to the other side? What am I, Super Mario? In retrospect, that may have been a 1UP mushroom at the beginning!

Needless to say I got a little muddy. Then it ends again, a little further on! Jeez!

After about an hour and change I was feeling a tad betrayed

Thinking, "This is the longest 40 minutes of my LIFE!" but it wasn't until I got to the end of the trail that I realized my, mistake.

It was a great walk anyway, despite my mistake. 3.5 miles of reasonably tough terrain in just under 2 hours.

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