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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week 69*: 226.8 Bringing Sexy Back (albeit very, very slowly)

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 229.6
Current weight: 226.8
Lost this week: 2.8
Total lost to date: 37.4

Weight remaining to lose: 46.8 pounds

I swear to you, I'm so goddamn gassy, I feel like if I trip while on my walk I might go down like the Hindenberg.

Despite that, I am also filled with joy! Very close to 225 which is when I said I'd get a new tattoo. Alas, I am not working now, so that's temporarily out of the question**.

I had a great walk today, and then came home and jumped some rope, poorly as usual.

So for breakfast today I had a new (to me) cereal called Ezekiel 4:9. Yes, I'm serious. It's supposed to be pretty good for you and I imagine it is as it tastes like dirt. I mean like I felt like I was eating the actual cereal box.

Now, it's filling as all hell, I'll give you that. I'm not giving up on it yet. I'm gonna try blueberries in it tomorrow.

So, yeah, fine, it's what the Bible said to eat, but let's face it, this is what they had available! I'd like to think if Ezekiel came across like, an IHOP or something he'd have been like "Fellas! You have got to try this. No, seriously, screw the cereal, someone write this down, this is delicious!"

Well, that's that for now! I'll be back tomorrow with a Biggest Loser wrap-up and a rant.

*I'm not going to make the obvious joke here. I want to, but I won't. I will, however, tell you one of my favorite jokes:

A Chinese couple are in bed and the husband turns to his wife and says "I don't know about you, but I'd love a little 'sixty-nine!'"
She turns to him and says "Beef and Broccoli?!?! Now?!?!"

** Unless, of course, I win the Big Game tonight, in which case, inkers away!

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