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Monday, October 24, 2011

How I knew...

…I had hit my rock bottom…

I honestly don’t 100% know what I weigh right now. Not because I have ballooned to the point where I need a slaughterhouse scale to weigh me, but because the battery has gone flat in the scale. That’s not the point of this post, although I’m hoping it reminds me to get a battery later after work.

Here’s my Rock Bottom Moment, posted for all the world to see.

I took my son to McDonald’s on Sunday. We were out and this is a good place to get gluten free food for him (grilled chicken and fries) so, while I don’t really want to eat there he likes it, it was convenient, and it was getting late. So we got our grilled chicken and drinks and an order of fries and I set up our table. I went to st in the booth and, goddammit, America, I could not fit in the booth.

Let me state that once more, I was too fat to fit in the booth.

At McDonald’s.

Yes, I was too fat to fit in the booth at McDonald’s yesterday. Man, when you’re too big to fin in the seat at a place where they make fat people (or make people fat. Whichever, I think I’m gonna go with hyperbole) it’s time to seriously make a change.

I’m angry enough that I need to buy 2 pairs of big boy pants for the coffee shop* (it’s getting too darned cold to work the drive through in shorts and a short sleeve polo any more) but holy shit, I had to go to a table, It was embarrassing to say the least. My kid doesn't care, but I'm pretty tired of being the fat dad.

I have an enormously full plate in my life but I obviously need to carve out gym time. I can’t *not* do it. I have to sacrifice something, and it’s probably going to be time I’d like for something else, but that’s why it’s called sacrifice, right?

Here we go. This time I mean it :)

*Loyal readers may remember that I gave away all my fat clothes back in November of 2009. Yes, two years ago I had lost enough weight that I got rid of my 38s and 40s. And the 36s as well. Grrrr….


Siobhan said...

You can do it! I'm getting back on track myself, so hard to get back into it, but so easy to fall out of it. Good Luck! I know you can do it!

Siobhan said...

You can do it Rich! I am trying to get back to the gym myself and it's not easy. So hard to get back on track, even though when on track, we feel great. But it's so easy to get off track! Good Luck! I know you can do it!

Rich said...

Thanks. You're in way better shape than I am already, so I have a ways to go to catch up!