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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Here's some inspiration for you all! or I Will Never Look That Good In a Bikini!

Need a little inspiration? Miss Bree Boyce lost 112 pounds and won herself a beauty pageant. She’s healthy, she’s happy and it’s nice to see a success story like this. Way to go, Miss South Carolina.

Now, before any of start grousing about "beauty pageants" and how they objectify woman and all that malarky, let’s just rejoice in the story of someone who had a goal and stuck to it.

See? Don’t you feel better now?

So, what did we learn today? Well, that with some motivation you can accomplish your weight loss goals. You know it, I know it. Hell, I was on my way handily until I fell off the wagon and landed open-mouthed on a great big pile of sheetcake. It's just nice to be reminded that's all.

Secondly, Doing a Google image search for Bree Boyce gets you some lovely shots of Ms. S.C.(both before and after) but also, a tad inexplicably:

Seth Green and Cedric the Entertainer…

Third, if it were not for spell-check, I’d have called them beauty contests up above. Thank you, spell-check!

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