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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Living without a net

So that picture, right there? That there's part of a big, big step.

The missus and I gave away our fat clothes today.

That's right, in a dizzying display of "Holy shit, nothing fits right anymore!" we gathered up and gave to charity all of our fat clothes.*

Three bags of gigantic pants, enormous shirts, and what thought was a hot air balloon but it turned out to be a suit jacket.

There were a few pieces I was sad to see go, but man, some of my wardrobe was frigging tragic.

No going back, not now, not ever!

* I know what you're thinking, "Do we want to encourage people to be big?" No, of course not. That doesn't mean they don't need a nice couple pair of 36x30 jeans that I only wore like 4 times while they head down the weight loss highway as well. I am an optimist!

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