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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 145- Stronger than The Crave!

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week 241.2
Current weight: 242.2
Lost this week: +1

Total lost to date: 22.0

Weight left to lose: 62.2

See, as I tweeted yesterday (@OldManConroy if you’re so inclined…) I was craving White Castle something awful. The good news here is I was able to resist the siren-like call of of Chicago's Finest and eat some Trader Joe's Pulled Chicken instead. The bad news is, apparently the very thought of ingesting those lovely little sliders cursed me with a gain of one pound, the little bastards*.

On the other hand, a trip to the caste frequently leads to an evacuation on the scale of Godzilla: Final Wars, so it might have been a good idea after all. I Was going to say “in the end” but we all know The Castle generally isn’t a good idea for the end, of for your G.I. tract in general.

Gotta get some more Oatmeal to Go tonight, or make sure I eat a good breakfast tomorrow before I go to work.

* I still love you, tiny hamburgers, but we're not good for each other. Actually, it's not me, it's you. You're making me fat.

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