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Sunday, April 10, 2011

A close call...

So the dog got away from me today at the park. There was a handoff of the leash, I thought the missus still had him, she thought I had him and


He was off like a shot. That furry sonnavagun took off like a plush torpedo after another dog he wanted to play with. Luckily enough, that dog's owner grabbed his leash. After I lumbered over and profusely thanked him I was struck with an epiphany:

I would not have been able to catch the dog. He’s like greased lightning, so not many people could, but I couldn’t even make a decent showing. Oh, I started out OK and thought Well, as long as I can keep him in sight it should be OK, but then I realized it.

I am not going to catch this dog...shit, this is not good. This is not good at all...

The rest of the afternoon I was constantly yelling at my son to not walk too far ahead and I realized later it was because if I couldn't catch the dog, what if I couldn't catch him?What if I couldn’t catch him if he ran too far ahead and he fell into the water or ran into the parking lot?

It made me feel like a shitty father, not being able to catch up to him, not being able to run. Shoot, who am I kidding, I was barely able to walk.

Add to this my sciatica is just killing me, and I am just hobbling around.

It’s a depressing state of affairs.

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