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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 107- Back in the saddle, and a good bit lighter for it.

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 228.1
Current weight: 222.1
Lost this week: 6 pounds! Wooo!

Total lost to date: 42.1

Weight left to lose: 42.1

OK, how freaking odd is it I am EXACTLY at my halfway to goal?

Now, you and I know that there's no way on God's Green Earth that I am going to lose 42.1 pounds by August 27th 2010, short of getting ebola or losing my torso or something.*

So, I shall amend my goal to be under or as close to 200 pounds by then as possible. I think now that I am back on course, I should be able to manage this. I was a little upset with myself that I didn't reach my goal by now and when I realized I wasn't going to get it done in time I got a little self-berating.

No, I'm self-deprecating to a fault, any of my friends will tell you that, but it's usually played for a laugh. Sometimes, however, I get pretty down on myself. It's only recently I have begun to recognize when I am doing it, and pull myself out of it. This is something that I seriously needed to do, and I'm still sorting it out.

Anyhow, back to the weight loss bit, eh? Quite frankly, it's about 100 degrees with 90 some percent humidity out, so standing outside is like being an a sauna, just with less shirtless old men. Urf. Seriously, cooking in the kitchen is hot. I'm totally making my own gravy over here.

I had two people tell me I was looking better this week, so that's nice. I am feeling a little better about myself, enough so that I was able to take my shirt off at the waterpark yesterday. That's something anyway.

*Dear God, this is not a request or serious suggestion. Hyperbole, baby!

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