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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

...and here's another reason you're fat, America!

Whilst I was picking up my coffee the other morning @ Quick Chek, my faux-rista* friend Julia told me about customers who expect to be served by the staff at the self serve coffee bar. I shook my head ruefully. She then told me of another man that morning who became completely livid when the deli workers wouldn't take his order and instructed him to enter it via their touch screen system, so it could be processed in order.

When acting like a petulant spoiled little brat didn't work, he declared “That's it, I'm going to McDonald's where I don't have to work to get my meal!” and stormed out.

Yep, pushing a few buttons to get food is too much work for this guy. Look you asshat, if it was good enough for George Fucking Jetson, I think it's probably OK for you as well.

This is another reason we're fat. Pushing buttons is too much work. Sweet Cracker Sandwich, is this what it's come to?

I mean, I bet you if he did drive to the Golden Arches, he sat in the drive-through to order and ate in the car.

Which brings me to Rich's Obvious Food Tip #1: Any food you order from your car** is, more than likely, pretty crappy for you.

*I call her a “faux-rista” because while she makes all the coffee and stocks all the accouterments and such, she does not actually serve the coffee to the customer. You do this yourself, unless you're a goddamned idiot or fresh off the turnip truck or something and can't wrap your feeble brain around the concept.

** and generally eat in your car!

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