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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 105- Bad news, folks...

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 222.6
Current weight: 228.1
Lost this week: Sweet Jesus, up FIVE AND A HALF GODDAMN POUNDS!

Total lost to date: 36.1

Weight left to lose: 48.1

Warn the townsfolk at the bottom of the mountain! It's a flab-alanche!

Yeah, I kinda knew it was coming, but still it's a heartbreaker, you know?

Part of it is stress and the eating that can invariably come with it.

Too many desserts is another.

Big Ed's 3.99 BBQ Pork Sliders lunch was the fat straw that broke my sweaty back.

For 3.99 you get 3 pulled pork sliders with potato wedges (or fries) and cole slaw. Now, as you know, I believe Cheese to be the Devil. If that is the case, Mayonnaise is Cheese's right hand man in culinary evil, followed quickly by scrambled eggs.

Anyway these sammiches are served on those little garlic rolls you get before the meal.

It is why the term “OMFG” was invented.

Also, OMFGIATIACFA* as well

*Oh my effin' God, I am turning into a colossal fat-ass!

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