Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Week 106- No weigh? Yes, no weigh!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Week 105- Bad news, folks...
Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 222.6
Current weight: 228.1
Lost this week: Sweet Jesus, up FIVE AND A HALF GODDAMN POUNDS!
Total lost to date: 36.1
Weight left to lose: 48.1
Warn the townsfolk at the bottom of the mountain! It's a flab-alanche!
Yeah, I kinda knew it was coming, but still it's a heartbreaker, you know?
Part of it is stress and the eating that can invariably come with it.
Too many desserts is another.
Big Ed's 3.99 BBQ Pork Sliders lunch was the fat straw that broke my sweaty back.
For 3.99 you get 3 pulled pork sliders with potato wedges (or fries) and cole slaw. Now, as you know, I believe Cheese to be the Devil. If that is the case, Mayonnaise is Cheese's right hand man in culinary evil, followed quickly by scrambled eggs.
Anyway these sammiches are served on those little garlic rolls you get before the meal.
It is why the term “OMFG” was invented.
Also, OMFGIATIACFA* as well
*Oh my effin' God, I am turning into a colossal fat-ass!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Good grief!
That's pretty astounding, isn't it. This year we'll be married for 10 years or fully 1/4 of my life!
Happy anniversary, chickie! I love you :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Week 104- Plateau-ing the line
Weight last week: 222.6
Current weight: 222.6
Lost this week: 0
Total lost to date: 41.6
Weight left to lose: 42.6
OK, it's not UP, but it's not down. Sorry for not getting this up at a normal time, but there was a lot going on...This result IS from Tuesday though, so don't worry, the results are not skewed.
I have been told that, believe it or not, Chili's has removed the Awesome Blossom from it's menu. This is probably old news, as I haven't eaten at Chili's in at least a year, and when I was last there, I'm pretty sure we only laughed about the damned thing.
Upon researching this, it appears this occurred about 2 years ago. I am out of the loop as far as the chain restaurants go.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Week 103- Good News/Bad News
Weight last week: 224.6
Current weight: 222.6
Lost this week: 2.0
Total lost to date: 41.6
Weight left to lose: 42.6
Sorry for the late update, kids. I did my tuesday weigh in, but the home PC is virused up pretty thoroughly. I’d like to meet the guy who wrote the program and punch him in the sack, and I’m not referring to hitting him while he’s asleep.
That’s the bad news. The good news is I am down two pounds! Wooooooo!
OK, I’m pretty psyched that I lost two pounds, and I go for more bloodwork on Thursday so we’ll see how that’s going.
My arms are getting more defined and that’s nice, but the gut still vexes me.*
Also, I discovered that while 34 waist shorts are perfectly fine, that does not translate to board shorts, as the Most Awesome Bathing Suit Ever (seriously, it’s ridiculous. Pictures forthcoming!) failed to cover my junk properly**. It would have been pretty rad for a trip to say, Hedonism or I dunno, the Tri-State Show Us Your Wang convention, but wholly inappropriate for the apartment complex pool.
Nobody needs to be involved in that situation.
* Shush already, I know. More crunches for the muscles, more running and sweating for the flab.
**Sorry, Ladies. This ship has sailed. :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
The "Worst Food Product Ever" May Have Been Found
Pork Brains In Milk Gravy.

Calorie-wise, you say "Well, that's not bad. 150 Calories in a whole can. Not too bad!" and then you look at the cholesterol.
What in the hell would possess someone to eat this?
I mean unless this is the food equivalent of the Giant Check you get when Publisher's Clearinghouse shows up*. I mean, that'd maybe be convincing but I dunno.
Well, weigh in tomorrow. See you then.
* or sex. I mean it could be like sex, I guess. They say brains are sexy, right?
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Week 102- 1 pound down. Also, the computer :)
Weight last week: 225.6
Current weight: 224.6
Lost this week: 1.0
Total lost to date: 39.6
Weight left to lose: 44.6
Sorry this was posted late, but I have a RootKit virus on my PC. So, I have been backing up that which was not yet backed up, and getting ready for the arduous task of reinstalling every damned thing onto the PC.
Joy and rapture.