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Friday, November 13, 2009

Disorientation 101

So after leaving the gym after a particularly sweaty and grueling workout yesterday I walked up to my car and got in. I looked around in a panic! Where was my stuff? What the hell had someone done to the interior of my car?!?!?!?!?!

It was trashed.

I quickly looked around wondering what the hell had happened when it hit me.

Oh crap, I thought, this is not my car!

Yes, I had gotten in a completely different person's vehicle! I quickly scrambled out and sure enough, same make and model and color, but the interior was very sloppy and dirty* and smelled like smoke.

Sure enough, my car was parked in the same exact space, one row over.

Odd glitch in the Matrix, that.

For your entertainment, here's me at the gym looking like Bullethead McGee or something...

Someone get me a neck donor!

* Anyone who knows me is saying "Wow, how bad was this car?" as mine is usually pretty messy. Messy and cluttered, yeah. Looking like bums sleep there? Not so much.


Unknown said...

I don't understand... how did the keys work?

Rich said...

Well, I pressed my remote unlocky-do right? So they must have left their doors unlocked and I just strolled on in...

Unknown said...

Ha! Brilliant! Only you!