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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Attn: Dudes at the gym, specifically in the Locker Room Area. RE: The rather cavalier display of dongs as of late...

Please note: this post contains language of a frank nature*

Look, I know it's the gym, and you're all ripped and everything and you're in better shape then I am, but for the Love of Pete, have a little decorum! Yes, you're surrounded by men and should feel comfortable, and we all like being naked, but enough is enough. Really, if you're walking to the shower, you're carrying a towel already. How about just covering up the Wedding Tackle, huh?

After all, it's the gym, not Plato's Retreat.

Oh, and to those of gents who are obviously just showing off? You know who you are. Yes, Human Tripod, I'm talking about you. We get it, you are blessed with an appendage that makes women shudder and condom manufacturers lose sleep at night. You have a huge wang, congratulations, maybe you'll get a statur or something someday**. Seriously, good for you, kudos and all that. Just...come on, man, give a dude some space! I'm sitting down, minding my own business, putting on my sneakers and you're right there, flapping that thing about like an elephant shaking off the dust of the Serengeti.

If you're that eager to just give it away there, Snufalupagus, I'm sure there's some websites you could post pictures on. I just wanna use the Nautilus.

* no that was not on purpose, but still..."Frank nature"...hee hee...
** or part of a statue...of sorts...

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