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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New goal shirt! Also: stuffing 10 pounds of, well not "awesome," but *something* into a five pound bag...

So, yeah I was researching my previous Goal shirt here and here and discovered that, almost two years ago I was over 40 pounds lighter than I am right now!

Holy shit, kids, that's pretty sobering. I mean packing on 20 pounds a year is just stupid, any way you look at it. I'm really upset with myself. On top of it all I no longer fit in my old XL shirts comfortably, I am in XXLs. So, basically at 262.2 I have somehow expanded my mass? I'm actually 2 pounds less than when I started, and yet my body shape is way different.

Also, let's not talk about my hernia, either. I'll actually cover that later, I have a relevant post.

So, what was on about before? Oh,yes the new Goal Shirt. This is kind of a crummy picture of it, but welcome to my life lately.

Yeah, that's all 11 Doctors as owls. Yes, you're jealous as you well should be!

Here's a better pic of the design

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