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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 113- cr2032, where art thou?

Seriously, how hard is it to find a crummy battery?!?!?!?

Feeling a little thinner, back on the horse big time. I'm gonna weigh in tomorrow, providing I can get a battery.

Needless to say, I will not make my goal, and I'm seriously pissed off about it*.

I mean, I'm pissed in general and at myself specifically. I got lazy, and yeah, I could have gotten up at 5 to go to the gym but didn't because I was "too tired." No shock there, dum-dum, you're tired because your fat ass has been sitting around and getting wider instead of getting up, getting sweaty and thereby gaining the energy you're complaining about not having!

Also I appear to be typing in run on sentences.

* you should see how bad the typos were when I first banged this out, for example. Sheesh.

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