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Monday, April 12, 2010

Fiber- Dietary, not moral.

So, I'm trying this thing two days before I weigh in. I up my fiber intake on Sunday, then back off of it a lot on Monday, hoping that by Tuesday, it will make a significant difference in my CF.

This is week three I am trying this out. Didn't do crap* for me week 1 (in fact, I went up if you remember) and may have worked last week. This week will be the litmus test, I think.

What I have been doing is I have been eating two VitaMuffins** Sunday nights, and they are acting like reactor fuel for the most part. They appear to be the Roto-Rooter of foods. With 12 g of fiber for two, they pretty much will unstick whatever you got stuck, I'll tell you what.

I pity my poor wife, because I am killing her. You can probably figure out what I'm talking about on your own without me spelling it out for you.

Remind me later in the week to tell you about all the cool stuff that's back at ALDI for the summer.

I seriously wish they'd endorse this blog. I mean, I talk them up for free, but some free groceries would be swell. I also accept cash and gold bullion.

I also think I'd have to cut back on the gas talk and assorted other nonsense, and where would the fun be in that? Ah, you win some you lose some...

* Totally didn't see that the first read through! Ha!

** I know, I know. It's just a phrase that sounds dirty like "tethering the blimp," or "Sending out for sushi," or "Shaking Hands with Abraham Lincoln.***"

*** Good grief, I can't use this joke anymore! According to (pretty much NSFW kids!) it's a euphemism for male, uh..."alone time" if you catch my drift. Dang. That one doesn't even make sense, unless there's some sort of "stovepipe hat" reference I am missing...

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