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Thursday, March 11, 2010


So there's a casino in Atlantic City (Trump's Taj Mahal) that's offering an all day Buffet for something like 24.99 (29.99 on weekends) and I am conflicted.

On the one hand-
  • AC is not cheap to eat at like Vegas can be. So, 25 clams and you're set all day.
  • The cheap bastard in me thinks this is a solid plan
  • the fat bastard in me thinks "FRIED SHRIMP!!!!!!!!!*" OM-NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!
On the other hand-
  • the new, less fat-assed version of me says "man, you could really just kill yourself eating at this place. I mean, you'd die fat and maybe happy..."
  • holy crap, that's really insane. You could sit and eat all day for 25 bucks and just get up to "clear the decks" as it were. Throw in some gladiators and we have Rome :)

*He's also thinking "BACON!" but let's hope for all concerned, that that's only available at breakfast.

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